Tuesday, 15 December 2015

2014-2015 Accounts

AGM Minutes 2015

AGM – 2015
Hollywood Rd. Social Club 7.30 p.m. December 8th
There were 24 members in attendance
The Chair (Keith Worsley) welcomed the members to the AGM and briefly outlined the main events of the year.
These included the creation of a separate Bees Group (Lumswood Beekeepers) and the arrival of hives in the woodland area at the northern edge of the site.
The Chair also reminded members that it is essential that any vandalism or thefts from the plots (whether of tools or produce) are fully reported to the police. Each plot affected must individually report their incident to the Police. A block report by the Society is not accepted by the Police.
The Secretary (Margaret Jackson) began her report by thanking the Committee for their support during her illness and for taking on a range of duties that she normally carried out. She introduced the members of the Committee (Keith Worsley – Chair, David Jackson – Treasurer, Kath Worsley, Veronica Burns, Glyn Platt and Pev Evans. She also thanked Josie Bruos who had served on the committee throughout 2015 but was unable to attend the AGM.
She then outlined the Society’s key responsibilities under the OMA (operational management agreement) with the Council. These are:-
·         Granting Permission for the erection of structures (lead committee member Glyn Platt)
·         Granting Permission for the keeping of chickens (a committee role)
·         Managing the letting of plots using the Council Waiting List, setting probation periods for new tenants, advising the council of the successful completion (or otherwise) of probation  (lead committee member Veronica Burns)
·         Handling transfers between plots on the site (a committee role)
·         Advising the Council of changes of address (a committee role)
·         Submitting a Monthly Report to the Council as to the condition of the site (including mal-cultivation on individual plots (a committee role)

The Treasurer (David Jackson) told members that in carrying out these functions the Society acts as the agent of the Council and decisions are made under strict criteria set down by the Allotments Section. Plot-holders remain tenants of Bolton Council with rights of appeal to the Council.

Plot 1 - the change in the Council’s policy about induction for new plot-holders has made the Society’s Training plot (#1) redundant. The plot has been amalgamated with plot 2 and the poly-tunnel on plot 1 has been sold – the monies going into Society Funds. (This sale took place after the close of the 2014-2015 Financial Year and is not included in that year’s accounts).

The Secretary then outlined what (in her view) were the major challenges facing the Society for 2016.
The Site Road – this has now deteriorated to the extent that it is a hazard to vehicles. Grants cannot be obtained to repair it as funders see maintaining the road as a Council responsibility. The case of a member whose car was damaged as a result of the poor state of the road was raised and the Committee felt she might have a case against the Council. The Secretary proposed that plot-holders might take responsibility for the strip of road fronting their plot. The Society might then concentrate on the two curves at each end of the site. The area in front of the Brew Room also needs skimming and the drainage improving to prevent flooding of the Amenities Building.

The Amenities Building – the damage to the Amenities Building caused by the break-in in the early part of 2015 has still not been repaired despite numerous promised from the Allotments Section. The Secretary will pursue the matter with our Ward Councillors and if necessary with the NAS and through the media. (Since the AGM the Secretary has been contacted by the Allotments section. A new contractor has been appointed and it is anticipated that the repair work and the removal of asbestos from the site will now proceed without delay.) On a related matter the Secretary asked for volunteers to sign up for a rota for the cleaning of the Brew Room and toilets.

The Society Store (‘the shop’) – The purpose of the store is to buy items in bulk and then to make them available at reduced prices to members. A small percentage is added to the cost price and this generates a surplus that is used to cover administration and other society activities. The Treasurer said that the surplus raised by the shop / store activities was £140 in 2014/5 – this is down considerably from the figures of £300-£400 earned only a few years ago, but does represent progress after some losses in recent years. Some items have had heavy demand – compost, canes and scaffolding netting, but others e.g. tomato food have remained unsold. The Committee will have to be selective in what is stocked next year, and would welcome suggestions from members as to what should held. The Secretary asked members to support the shop.

Communal Areas – the Secretary reported that the Committee had identified a contractor who would take over the cutting of the grass on the top field – this will be paid for from Society funds. The D-area where we hold the Bonfire etc. will however still need regular strimming and there is a need to create a storage area for wood (for subsequent burning). Members asked what had happened to the regular deliveries of pallets and the Secretary said that we had lost our supplier. Members were asked to suggest a replacement. Members were reminded that the tipping of any materials (including weeds) in the woodland areas around the site (particularly into the valley along Moss Bank Way) is forbidden. The Council’s Allotments Section has issued a notice to the effect that this will be treated as fly-tipping and legal proceedings will be taken. In addition any plot-holder convicted will be issued with a notice to quit.

Site Security – The Committee has decided to continue with the current padlocks at least for the foreseeable future. The Committee has decided to purchase more CCTV cameras to be deployed around the site following a number of thefts of produce and materials this autumn.

Other matters – the Secretary informed members that Brian Caswell had retired from the plots after being a plot-holder for some 30 years. The Committee had decided that (as is customary practice) he will be offered life membership of the Society.
The Society is a member of Abas (the Association of Bolton Allotment Societies). Abas organises the annual Bolton Allotment Awards and this year Tony and Hazel Buckley (Plot 62A) won the Best New Tenant Award, while David Hargraves (Plot 61) was highly commended for his efforts in restoring that plot. They were presented with their awards by the Mayor of Bolton (Cllr Swarbrick) at a ceremony at Astley Bridge Cricket Club in August.
Abas will this year be running the Bolton Vegetable Show which will take place on Saturday August 27th – it is hoped members will enter.

The Treasurer presented the accounts for 2014-2015 (01/10/2014 – 30/09/2015)
The accounts had been signed off by the Society’s Auditor Christine Hargraves. The Treasurer thanked her for her work in doing this, it is much appreciated. Copies of the accounts will be separately posted on this site.
The Treasurer pointed out that the major ‘fixed’ expenses of the Society are its membership of NAS and ABAS and the Site Insurance Policy. Membership fees have already been paid for 2016 and we await the renewals estimate on the insurance. However the failure of Bolton Council’s ‘estates’ department to deliver the anticipated lease on the amenities building together with the neglect of that building by the Council in 2015 means that the ‘premises’ element of the insurance will not be renewed and therefore some savings may be possible.
The Treasurer pointed out that the Fundraising Events (Open Day etc.) are vital to the financial health of the Society.
 The Committee proposed that subscriptions be raised to £10 for under 60s and £8 for plot-holders aged 60 or over. In answer to a question from the floor the Treasurer said that the decision as to whether to pay the full £10 or to take the ‘pensioner discount’ was (as it has always been) a personal choice for each plot-holder over 60.
The Chair reported that Josie Bruos had decided to step down from the Committee. The Secretary thanked her for her support and efforts in 2015.
The remaining Officers and Committee were returned unopposed to serve until the 2016 AGM–
Chair – Keith Worsley
Secretary – Margaret Jackson
Treasurer – David Jackson
Committee – Kath Worsley, Veronica Burns, Pev Evans, Glyn Platt


It was decided that Open Day will take place on Sunday August 14th 2016.

Following the success of the Car Boot Sale and the Spring Event in 2015 the Committee will organise EITHER a Spring Event OR a short series of monthly Open Sundays on the site. Details will be finalised at meetings after Xmas.

There will be no Theatre Visit in 2016 – although the event was well supported, that support did not come from either Harpers Lane plot-holders or the local community around the site. In view of this and in view of the considerable work involved in creating the venue, the Committee needs time to review the role of Theatre productions in its programme.


The following Awards were presented:-
·         Albert Parker Trophy for Plot of the Year – Craig and Janet Wall – plot 26
·         Hospital Saturday Trophy for Best Small Plot – Eddie and Christine Bickerstaffe – plot 46A
·         Barron Trophy for Best Newcomer – Michael and Anne Lodmore – plot 22A
·         Brian Caswell Trophy for Most Improved Plot – David Hargraves – plot 54
·         Joan Caswell Trophy for Most Improved Small Plot – Marie and Bob Clenton – Plot 70A
·         Walker Challenge Trophy for Best Frontage – Susan and Tony Torkington – Plot 15


Mal-cultivated Plots – Some members raised the fact that in their opinion there were a number of plots on the site whose condition left much to be desired, and that in some cases the Committee appeared happy to allow this to continue.
The Treasurer repeated his earlier point that plot-holders are tenants of the Council not of the Society. Where a plot is (in the opinion of the Committee) not being properly or adequately cultivated then the Committee will make the Council aware of this through the Monthly Site Report (that report must contain photographic and / or documented evidence of the state of the plot). The Committee then requests the Council to invoke a three stage process which may result (if no improvement is made) in the Council serving a tenant with a notice to quit. In the past, at Harpers Lane at least, the Council has nearly always accepted the Committee’s recommendations.
However, it is always up to the Council whether to accept the Committee’s opinion and evidence and to decide whether it feels there are mitigating circumstances which would lead to it not taking action.
In the case of one of the plots mentioned the Committee had in fact made a report in July of this year, the Council had (as yet) taken no action on that report. In the case of another the Committee felt that there were strong mitigating circumstances. However the Committee took note of the plots mentioned and will re-examine them when inspections resume in the Spring.

Japanese Knotweed – following a discussion it was decided to take up the Council’s refusal to take action on the incursion of Japanese Knotweed onto the site with the Environment Agency.

Rats - following a discussion it was decided to report the rat infestation to the Council’s Environmental Health Department. The Committee will also investigate the purchase if rat traps for use on badly affected plots

There being no further business the meeting closed at approximately 10 p.m.

Friday, 20 November 2015


The Annual General Meeting of the Harpers Lane Allotments Society will be held on December 8th at Hollywood Road Social Club. The meeting will start at 7.30 p.m.

Item will include:-

  • Election of Officers and Committee for 2016
  • Setting of the date of Open Day 2016
  • Planning what other events are to be held in 2016 (Spring Event etc.)
  • Presentation of Society Awards
  • Presentation of the Annual Reports and Accounts
  • Update on the Closure of Harpers Lane Allotments Limited (the 'co-op' we originally established to run the site )

The will be pasties and peas and we will be holding a raffle to raise funds for the Society

All members are invited to attend and raise any issues that concern them about the Society and its future programme. If you have items for the agenda please email the Secretary on harperslane.coop@yahoo.co.uk or speak to any Committee member.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Thefts from Plots

We're getting thefts from plots again

Some of you will have seen the notice on the Brew Room saying that plot 8 had been raided and its crop of apples stolen.

In addition the Secretary's plot has been raided and a number of metal post holders have been stolen. Similarly Plot 1 has had a number of small grey flag stones (which again belong to Margaret) stolen. This is particularly distressing as she's off sick at present.

If anyone else is experiencing similar thefts please contact the Police and report them (however small)  When the Police gave their presentation at abas last Monday they stressed how all thefts and vandalism should be reported - stress the value of anything taken (replacement value if that means more)

We hope these thefts are not the actions of any plot-holder, if they are then anyone caught will also be held in Breach of Tenancy and the Council can give a Notice to Quit.

Friday, 4 September 2015


Open Day 2015 raised over £490 for society funds.

We have also donated £50 to dementia charities.

Although crowds were slightly down on last year (we weren't helped by the Council closing Church Rd on the morning of Open Day!) , there was a good crowd and everyone had a very enjoyable day.

We'd like to thank Councillor Andrew Martin for presenting the prizes.

Thanks to everyone who helped either putting up the marquees and gazebos or on the day on the stall and cafe  and to John Burns for the photos reproduced below.

The Scarecrows await the visitors

Barry taking entries in the Flower and Veg Show Tent

People entering the site

"No Entry"

Inside the Show Tent

Mick and Caroline and the Burger Stall

Ella and Mark (Settle Street Allotments) and the Honey Stall

Raising Funds for Lumswood Bees

Linda at the Tombola Stall

Amenities Block and Ice-cream Stall

Cafe in the Lower Marquee

Lorenzo's Magic Show

Andrew Martin makes the presentation to the winner of the Master Gardener's Trophy 

Sue and Tony Torkington winners of the Master Gardener Trophy

Home Time

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Committee Meeting 01/09/2015

The following is a brief note from the Meeting of the Harpers Lane Allotments Society Committee held on 1st September at Hollywood Rd Sports and Social Club

The primary purpose of the meeting was to put in place interim arrangements for the fulfilment of the Society’s site management responsibilities during the absence through illness of the Secretary (Margaret Jackson).

Main points are:-
1.  Matters relating to the waiting list will be managed by Veronica Burns
2.       Plot Transfers will be covered by Kath Worsley
3.       Structures and Permissions on poultry etc. will be covered by Glyn Platt
4.       Monthly meetings will be organised by Kath and Keith Worsley.
5.       Pev Evans is requested to do a ‘recce’ below the bottom road to try to find out more about the incursions by deer and come back with what we might be able to do to stop the current invasions.
6.       Kath Worsley will post an email from Malcolm Russell about dumping weeds and other rubbish below the bottom the road – it states that the Council will take action against any tenant caught doing so as to do so is definitely a breach of tenancy and may also be liable to prosecution for fly-tipping
7.       The Bonfire Party will be on Saturday 7th November – the details will be discussed at the next Committee meeting on October 6th. In the meantime wood should be stored adjacent to the current fire site.
8.       Open Day raised just over £490.00 – a cheque for £50 will be sent to a dementia charity – photos from Open Day taken by John Burns will be posted on this blog-site.
9.       The Committee will purchase a new hot water boiler / tea urn for the Brew Room.
10      Kath and Keith will seek to encourage plot-holders to enter the Abas Onion and Leek Show – details on the Brew Room Window.
11       David will submit the monthly report to the Council – the August report will highlight lack of Council action on repairs to the Brew Room, the leak in the Ladies, the problem with the standpipe near plot 41 and the non-removal of asbestos from plot 64A.
12     It is intended to hold the HLAS AGM in December (as last year) but no date has been set until we know more of Margaret’s progress.
 13 The Co-operative’s registration has now been cancelled – final accounts up to July 2015 will be submitted to HMRC. Any funds remaining in the co-operative’s accounts following payments of corporation tax will be transferred to Harpers Lane Allotments Society as stated in the co-operative’s constitution.

Friday, 24 July 2015


Open Day will be on Sunday the 9th of August

The gates will be open to the public between 12.00 and 4.00 p.m.

Entries into the Annual Flower and Vegetable Show can be made between 9.00 a.m. and 11.15 a.m.

Classes in the show etc. will be posted on the Brew-room wall and/or the shop door.

Please try to enter something, taking part is the important thing

We need help with the following:-

·       Donations of (washed) soft toys for the soft toy tombola

·       Donations of items for the main tombola (including bottles)

·       Books for the second-hand book stall

These can be left in the Brew Room or brought to the shop on Sundays between 12.00 and 1.00 p.m.

On the day we’ll need:-

·       Donations of surplus produce for the produce stall

·       Donations of Home-made cakes for the café / tea-room


We’ll also need volunteers to help with erecting the marquees in the week prior to Open Day and setting out gazebos and stalls etc. on the morning of Open Day.

Dates / Times etc. will be posted on the shop door.


The Committee

Harpers Lane Allotments Society
This year the Society's charitable donation will go towards the Bolton News' Dementia Campaign


Friday, 19 June 2015

New Padlock

The Council has provided a new padlock and ONE free key for each plot-holder.

The existing keys do NOT fit the new padlock.

We will fit the new padlock on TUESDAY 30TH JUNE

To get your new key contact Margaret BEFORE that date- she will be on the site on Saturday 20th June between 2.00 and 3.00 p.m. Sunday 21st June between  12.00 and 1.00 p.m. and in the evening 5.00 p.m. onwards. She will also be on Tuesday 23rd 6.00 7.00 p.m. and then Sunday 28th June 12 00 to 1.00 p.m.

If you can't make these times please ring 01204 844727 to arrange handover of your key.

Thursday, 4 June 2015


1.       Matters arising from previous Meeting(s)

ü  Siting of Security Cameras

It was agreed that the remaining cameras would be fixed in position during the next week

ü  Application to keep Bees on an individual plot (as opposed to in the agreed area below the bottom road)

An application has been made to keep bees on an individual plot. As both the National Allotment Society Guidelines and Harpers Lane Allotments Society’s understanding with the Council relate to the keeping of bees on areas of allotment sites separate from the main growing areas, the Committee declined this application, but also submitted an Appeal to the Council on behalf of the applicant. It is thus up to the Council now to determine whether this person can keep bees outside the designated area. We would have hoped that the Council would have determined this appeal by now. The failure to do so has been put onto the agenda for Abas’ meeting with the Council on Friday June 5th.

ü  Council Repairs to Amenities Building

The Council has not (as promised) carried out the repairs to the Amenities Building which were necessary following the last break-in. Abas has been asked to raise this matter on June 5th.


  1. Financial Statement

ü  Cancelling the Co-operative

The Co-operative (Harpers Lane Allotments Ltd.) was created as part of an initiative under which the Harpers Lane site would go under self-management. All paid-up members of Harpers Lane Allotments Society are equal shareholders in that co-operative. The Council’s prevarications on advancing self-management (coupled with the non-availability of expected grants and loans from the co-operative movement) have meant that the Co-operative has become an expensive, time consuming and irrelevant body.

The Directors of Harpers Lane Allotments have therefore recommended that the Co-operative’s registration with the FCA be cancelled and that the company be dissolved.

As part of this process they need to call an EGM of all shareholders in HLA Ltd. This will take place on Sunday July 5th at the Amenities Building, Harpers Lane Allotments Site (a notice will be posted on the Amenities Building) at 1.15 p.m.

Any remaining assets of HLA Ltd. will (after cancellation and dissolution) be paid over into the Harpers Lane Allotments Society in accordance with the expressed constitution of HLA Ltd.

ü  Replacing the Strimmer

Having now received funds from the insurance company (being the cost of the strimmer less a £100 excess) the Committee authorised the Treasurer to purchase a new strimmer. This strimmer will NOT be stored in the Amenities Building.

ü  Subscriptions

The Treasurer pointed out that of 76 potential members only 58 have so far paid their membership fees. Of these 36 pay the reduced over-60s fee and 22 the non-concessionary rate meaning that the sum raised is around £450.

He further pointed out that the ‘fixed’ costs of the society (NAS membership, Abas membership, Electricity for the Amenities Block, Site Insurance) amount to £770 p.a. It is only through fundraising such as the Spring Event and Open Day that the Society can continue.

The Committee determined to closely examine the benefits of all elements of that fixed expenditure (including non-renewal of membership of outside bodies). The Committee further determined that the date of renewal of subscriptions should be set as the Sunday of the Easter weekend. The Committee will also examine what recommendations to make for the level of subscriptions in 2016.


  1. Spring Event

ü  The sums raised by the Spring Event (9th / 10th May) were as follows:-

Café (2-days)                     £ 92.60

Stall Rents on Market    £ 50.00

Hot Food Sales                  £ 50.09

Plot 1 Plant Sales             £ 83.50 ***


TOTAL                                   £276.19


*** Plot 1 and the poly-tunnel on it are used by the Society for the induction of new tenants and for the growing of plants and produce which can be used to provide additional funds for the Society as detailed above. The poly-tunnel is NOT intended to be a communal green-house.


  1. Inspections and Monthly Reports

ü  Vacant Plots and Re-lets

Plot 64 is available and will be split into two plots 64A and 64B, Plot 69B is available. An updated waiting list was provided by the Council in May and the Secretary will commence re-letting plots this Sunday (June 7th)

ü  Tenancy Matters

Plot-holders should remember that under the Operational Management Agreement the Society acts as the Council’s appointed agent with respect to certain aspects of site management and within strict limits and criteria. The Committee try to carry out these responsibilities in the best interests of all plot-holders on the site.

Two plot-holders who have recently received informal notices from the Society about poor cultivation will be placed on the Monthly Council Report Sheet – this means they will receive a formal warning from the Council.

Three plots are on permanent monitoring – one of these has been the subject of recent complaints – what action needs or should be taken relating to that plot will be discussed with Malcolm Russell during his forthcoming site visit.

Another plot has been the subject of a complaint and the Secretary agreed to have informal talks with the plot-holder as to how the matter may be resolved.


  1. Gate and Padlock Issues

There have been a number of instances where the padlock on the main gate has jammed. Some plot-holders have been trapped on the site and a number have ‘phoned the Secretary and Treasurer who have had to come out and rescue them.

The primary causes of jammed padlocks are:

·         Not putting down the feet on the gates, so that the gates swing in the wind. In high winds this strains the padlock leading to jamming.

·         Winding the padlock chain so tightly that strain is put on the padlock. (This can also have the effect that if you are on the wrong side of the gate you cannot manoeuvre the padlock so that you may use the key.)

Can plot-holders please try to avoid these practices?


  1. Open Day

ü              Fruit and Veg Show

It was agreed that the Annual Society Show would continue in its current form

ü              Top Field Stalls

It was agreed that a similar format to that used for the Spring Event should be followed and that outside stallholders should be encouraged. It was agreed that stall rents should be set at £10 per stall. Concessions for Society members may be offered.

ü              Entertainment

The Appalachian dancers have been invited. The Treasurer has agreed to build the stage.

The Secretary will invite Lorenzo to do his magic act etc.

It was felt that another music group would be appreciated – the Secretary and Treasurer will ask around.

ü              Café

It is hoped that the Café will operate as in past years. It is hoped that the majority of the team which so successfully ran the café at the Spring Event will re-volunteer.

ü              Other e.g. Hot Food stall(s)

There is a strong feeling that there should be Hot Food Stalls at the Open Day Event. The availability of people to run them and the variety of food to be made available needs to be clarified over the next month or so.


  1. Any Other Business

ü  The Committee determined that there should be a Bonfire Party (for Society members, their families and their guests) at the Summer Solstice (Sunday 21st June) – starting at 6.00 p.m. Sausages and Cider will be available.

ü  Disposing of Weeds

The issue of disposing of weeds etc. was raised. Specifically the Committee were asked “what is the objection to the tipping of weeds down the river bank below the bottom road?” The simple answer is that the Council has ruled against it on a number of occasions and would regard it as a breach of tenancy.

The Committee has set up both a communal compost bin and designated tipping areas in recent years. The first was rendered useless because a plot-holder tipped horse-tail into the bin, the second area had to be closed because plot-holders tipped plastic and glass in the area. The Committee is willing to examine ways in which plot-holders disposal problems might be tackled – we could have more skips but each skip costs approx. £2.50 per plot-holder, we might have a council waste removal service (we will ask about the costs), we could try communal compost bins again. The Secretary has agreed to investigate the options and report back to the next meeting.


The next Committee Meeting will be on Sunday 5th July following the HLA AGM.


Wednesday, 3 June 2015

May Minutes

We understand that some concern has been expresesed that no May minutes have been published on this site.

The May Committee meeting had to be abandoned as the Committee had to pile out of the Brew Room to secure the marquees which were in danger of being blown away in very high winds. Consquently no decisions were taken and no minutes produced. Minutes of the June meeting (2nd June 2015) will be posted as soon as approved.

Monday, 20 April 2015

MINUTES 13.04.2015

Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising

The Break-In

The Insurance Claim is now with the Insurance Company

The Council has stated that it will make the repairs to the Brew Room

Drainage Works

Work is proceeding on extending the drainage pipe from plot 41 across the bottom road.

 Financial Position


The Society currently has balances of £1,073.33 in cash and the bank

Of this sum £ 62.40 are restricted funds leaving £1,013.93 as ‘free money’.

The Treasurer reminded the Committee that we need a balance of at least £1,175 each December in order to a) pay our NAS subscriptions, b) pay the site insurance and c) restock the Allotment Shop – we therefore need at least another £162 before additional spending can be sanctioned.

Therefore the Spring Event and Open Day will again be very important.


At present only 50% of plot-holders have paid their annual subscriptions.

Apparently some plot-holders have been told that they do not have PUBLIC LIABILITY insurance – we would remind them that ALL society members have full public liability insurance through the Society’s insurance policy with Bluefin. What we have not been able to arrange is property and produce insurance for individual plots – we could probably do this if we increased subscriptions by a large multiple but not on current subs.

CVS Grant

The CVS grant has now been spent – we have the leaflets for the Spring Event and for Open Day and also materials for making promotional banners.

Tenants’ Issues


The Secretary has acted on a request for Bark Delivery and has arranged for a tree surgeon to deliver bark as soon as possible. This will be deposited on the end of plot 1.

Request to Keep Bees on an individual Plot

There has been a request to establish bee hives on an individual plot (as opposed to within the communal bee-keeping area agreed with the Council). This request has been passed to the Council for a decision as it is outwith the terms of the OMA which only gives permission for hives on a communal area below the bottom road.  

Children on Plots

The Committee has been requested to remind tenants that if although children are very welcome on the site, they should ensure that they are properly supervised and not allowed to go on other tenants’ plots unless invited.

Spring Event 9th and 10th May

Market / Car Boot – 9th May 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

There will be a producers’ market in the marquee in front of the Brew Room – so far invitations have been given to stalls for honey, cheese, ice cream, lamb and venison, preserves, spices. There will also be a stall raising funds for the communal bee-keeping project (any donations of items for sale would be gratefully received see Margaret or Kath Worsley) and we are seeking other producers.  The Society will have a plant stall on Plot 1 (any donations of spare plants will be gratefully received again see Margaret).

If there is sufficient demand we’ll organise another Car Boot –

Stalls in the Marquee and spaces on the Car Boot will be free to all society members, other stall-holders will pay £10.00.

There will be hot food and tea and coffee available.

We are still seeking items for a Cake Stall and volunteers to help staff the Café on the day.

We are hoping to have a stall in the marquee selling items from the Allotments Shop, again volunteers to staff this are needed.

 Putting up marquee

It is hoped to erect the two marquees on Saturday 2nd May and Sunday 3rd May – volunteers are needed – please see Margaret.

Delivering Leaflets

We have had a number of promotional leaflets printed. Volunteers are needed to distribute these in the same way that we distribute the Open Day leaflets each year.

 Mikron Theatre 10th May 1.00 p.m.

We will need help running the café during the performance interval

 Borough Allotment Competitions

Margaret has entered plot-holders in both the New Entrants and Fairhurst Trophy sections. WE have decided not to enter the Rosebowl


Project to be completed are:

Installing Further Security Cameras around the Brew Room

Creating a Children’s Den / Play Area

The Committee decided that a newsletter should be written and printed and distribute to all members. This newsletter will set a date for a meeting about the Spring Event. The Treasurer will produce and have copied this newsletter by Saturday 18th April and it will then be distributed.

 The planned picture of all women allotmenteers will take place on the 6th June at 2.00 p.m. This is part of the site’s contribution to the National Allotment Society’s display at the Southport Flower Show.


Some plot-holders are still dumping waste materials on the site. The area formerly designated for tipping weeds had to be closed because the facility was abused – people were tipping plastic and glass. This is happening again at other points along the bottom road. Plot-holders are reminded that dumping waste on the site constitutes a Breach of Tenancy and could lead to eviction from the site.


The next meeting of the Committee will take place on the 5th May at 6.30 p.m. at the Amenities Hut.





Friday, 13 March 2015


Present: Keith Worsley (Chair), Margaret Jackson (Sec), David Jackson (Treas), Kath Worsley, Veronica Burns, Josephine Bruos, Glyn Platt, Pev Evans

Matters Arising:

The Security Cameras have been acquired and will be placed in position on Sunday 8th March.

A Gully Trap and drainage piping have been acquired for plot 41. The plot-holders have yet to agree how the work will be done.

Financial Position:

Cash and Monies in Bank: £1,309

Of which - £543 are restricted funds i.e. money received as a grant which can only be spent on specific items

Of which - £ 766 are ‘free funds’

CVS Grant

£480 remains of the CVS grant – it was agreed that this money will be spent on

  • A skip (estimated £180.00)
  • A wheelbarrow
  • An injection device for the Japanese knot-weed
  • Printing for a) Spring Event and b) Open Day

We are still considering applying via the CEP for funds to acquire a sit-on mower or small tractor for site maintenance

Plot Tenancy Issues


Owen Jeffery to plot 59

Veronica and John Burns to plot 25A

Plot 2 will now become available for a new tenant

Plot 3

Plot 3 is a community plot which has been allocated to Church Rd. School

The former plot-holders who were evicted by the Council in Autumn 2014 for mal-cultivation have contacted the council asking why they have not received a rent demand for 2014/2015. The reason is simple they were evicted. The Council is dealing with this.

Outstanding Notices

There are two sets of outstanding notices on the site.

It was agreed that the Secretary would remind these tenants of the deadlines for them to have carried out remedial actions and in the event of them not having complied with the agreements, the Committee will decide whether to ask the Council to reinstate the formal notices against them.

The Break-in

The Brew Room was broken into on the night of Sunday 1st March and Monday 2nd March. The thieves then broke into the shop by hacking through the breeze block wall. They have stolen the new strimmer and we have yet to carry out a proper invoice to see if anything else is missing / damaged.

The thieves also tried to break into the container but did not succeed. They also broke into the garages on the site and into a number of individual sheds. The Secretary reported the break-ins at the Amenities Building to the police but they would not accept reports of either the garages or the sheds saying individual owners must report each individually. If your shed has been broken into please ring the police and report it.


There have been problems of plot-holders parking on the top road whilst working their plots. Please use either the car park in front of the Amenities Building or the small car park near the Riefield gate.

There are still problems of the gates at the Church Rd. entrance being left open. Remember it is part of your tenancy agreement that you lock the gate after you when entering or leaving the site.

Meeting with M Russell (Neighbourhood Services) 02.03.2015

The Council wishes to use Harpers Lane as a pilot site to investigate the possibility of increased self-management of allotment sites. We have agreed (without any commitment to eventually accepting such a move) to investigate the feasibility / desirability with the Council.

The Council will now provide the Committee with:-

  • The Annual Rental raised on the site
  • The Annual Running Costs of the Site
    • Water and Sewage
    • Plus estimates of work done in recent years e.g. installing new drainage pipes on plot 1

  • A Plan of the site showing Drains and Services.

The Council is also reviewing the position of the Garages on the site. If there is an empty site available along the road then the Council wishes to provide the concrete base to the Society so that a second container can be positioned to provide a secure store.


This will now take place over two days (9th and 10th May).

On the 9th of May we will have a food market in the double marquee erected in front of the Amenities Building and a Car Boot Sale on the top field.  On the 10th May the Mikron Theatre group will present ‘One of Each’. Pev Evans is investigating catering for the theatre event