Monday, 21 September 2015

Thefts from Plots

We're getting thefts from plots again

Some of you will have seen the notice on the Brew Room saying that plot 8 had been raided and its crop of apples stolen.

In addition the Secretary's plot has been raided and a number of metal post holders have been stolen. Similarly Plot 1 has had a number of small grey flag stones (which again belong to Margaret) stolen. This is particularly distressing as she's off sick at present.

If anyone else is experiencing similar thefts please contact the Police and report them (however small)  When the Police gave their presentation at abas last Monday they stressed how all thefts and vandalism should be reported - stress the value of anything taken (replacement value if that means more)

We hope these thefts are not the actions of any plot-holder, if they are then anyone caught will also be held in Breach of Tenancy and the Council can give a Notice to Quit.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David, my carrots have been taken off my plot too - told Kathryn and will report to the police - so disheartening. Bev (Plot 4)
