MINUTES 27/11/2014
Present: Margaret
Jackson (Secretary), David Jackson (Treasurer), Glyn Platt, Keith Worsley, Kath
Worsley, Tom Liptrott
Apologies for absence
– Barry Savage
The Minutes of last
meeting had been posted on the blogsite
Matters Arising from the last meeting
and Lettings
Plot 3
repossessed – will be community plot used by Church Rd School
Plot 22A
repossessed – let to Mr and Mrs Lodmore
Plot 47A
relet to Mr and Mrs Stranks
Plot 38
split – half retained by Pam / half let to Mr and Mrs Tunnicliffe
Costs of
Bonfire Night were :- £117.89
totalled - £132.80Nett Contribution - £14.91
Drainage Problems Plot 41
The Council
has filled the hole at the top of the plot (there were concerns about it as a hazard for children. This has however made the flow down the hill worse and
there is now the likelihood of flooding onto the plots below
Treasurer had gathered costings for two holding tanks and sufficient piping to
install a solution. Concern was expressed that the piping was of insufficient
diameter and alternative sources were suggested. The Treasurer will try to gain
more information on alternatives. The current preferred layout would have a
holding tank at the level of the greenhouses and then a pipe running down to
the bottom road.
Council has
carried out work on plot 1. Some work has been done on compost bays. This lead
to a temporary loss of electricity due to Council team cutting cable. The cable
has now been repaired by Electricity North-West
The Water has
now been turned off. Toilets have been locked and Keys removed
We have some
costs for CCTV cameras. Kath W has agreed to get further information.
Committee suggested no additional agenda Items
– Following the resignation of the current Chair (Gill Chamberlain), Glynn
P has agreed to act as Chair for the AGM. Keith Worsley has agreed that in the
evnt of no other candidates coming forward he would be willing to take the
Chair for 2015. Barry Savage has informed us that he does not intend to stand
for re-election. Barry has been a valued member of the Committee for three
years and will be missed.
on Raffle – tickets will remain on sale until the start of the AGM.
Margaret will make up the hamper and take other prizes over to the venue
The Council
has indicated that it is ready to discuss the Society taking on a Business
Tenancy on the site. This could either be just for the Amenity Building or
could be for the whole site or somewhere in between. The Committee feel that
more information is needed about the terms being offered by the Council and
that the views of members and the wider group of plot-holders would need to be
obtained before anything could be finalised. The Treasurer will try to set up an
information gathering meeting with the Allotments Team. Subsequent onformation suggest that we shall start talking to "Estates" in January.
Harpers Lane
Allotments Limited is a separate entity (oroginally created as part of the self-management bid some three years ago) of which all members of the Society are
equal shareholders. HLA Ltd. has run at a loss for two years and has a large debt to the
Society. It is proposed that HLA Ltd’s AGM coincide with that of the Society
and that members vote at that AGM on the future of HLA Ltd. The current
recommendation of the Committee would be for closure, but the decision rests
with members / shareholders. Subsequent information suggests that a better option would be to mothball the co-operative for 2014-2015 while future Council policy around allotment management is clarified.
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