Monday, 8 December 2014

AGM of Harpers Lane Allotments Limited

It was decided to hold the AGM of the 'co-operative' - Harpers Lane Allotments Limited following the AGM of the Society and at the same venue. Since HLA does not have a website of its own it waqs decided to publich the minutes on the society's blogsite.

(the ‘co-operative’)
(An Industrial and Provident Society – 31752)

There were 15 current shareholders present at the meeting.

 As Chair of the ‘co-operative’, Glyn Platt outlined the reasons why it had been set up and gave a brief history. He then invited the Finance Officer (David Jackson) to present the Annual Accounts. These had been circulated to those present.

 Annual Accounts

The Finance Officer informed the meeting that the co-operative had again made a loss (around £150) on its activities.

He reported that the current (money) Balance was £1060, but pointed out that Provision should be made for restocking the shop ahead of the 2015 season and paying FCA registration fees. A sum of £850 was suggested.

 The Annual Accounts were unanimously accepted by the meeting.

 Future of the Co-op

The Finance Officer said three options had been suggested

·         Status Quo – The co-op continue to operate as at present.

·         Dormancy – the Co-op’s activities are taken over by the Harpers Lane Allotments Society and since the Assets (monies and stock) of the co-operative are less than the value of the outstanding balance of the loan made by the Society to the co-operative these assets will also be transferred to the Society. A decision on the future of HLA Ltd. will be revisited at the next AGM.

·         Immediate Closure of the co-operative

 The meeting voted unanimously to adopt the Dormancy option.

 Election of Directors

The Directors of HLA Ltd were conformed as:

·         Chair Glyn Platt

·         Secretary and Chief Executive Margaret Jackson

·         Finance Officer David Jackson

 Board members

·         Pev Evans

·         Veronica Burns

·         Josephine Bruos




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