Friday 6 April 2012

Vandalism and Crime

The number of incidents of vandalism, criminal damage and theft on the allotments has increased greatly in recent weeks. It is threatening to become an epidemic.

Can we remind all plot-holders that you must make an INDIVIDUAL report to the police of any incident that affects YOUR plot? That way they can build up a file showing the extent and nature of the problem.

Also, remember that anything of value left in a shed or a greenhouse is vulnerable. The Society's insurance does not cover individual plot-holders against theft or damage, if you want insurance, at present you would need to arrange your own, and this is expensive and difficult to obtain (see the Secretary or Treasurer for possible brokers if you need to).

If sufficient plot-holders are interested it may be possible to approach appropriate bodies for funding to obtain a second metal container building to use as a secure store. If there is sufficient interest we will put this on the agenda for the next EGM or AGM.

Dave Jackson - Treasurer

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