Minutes from a meeting of the Committee of
Harpers Lane Allotments Society
Held at Hollywood Rd. Social Club
Keith Worsley (Chair), Margaret Jackson (secretary), David Jackson (Treasurer),
Kathryn Worsley, Glyn Platt, Pev Evans – apologies from Veronica Burns
It was
confirmed that Dave Wynne’s request for his plot to be made a joint tenancy
with his wife has been actioned by the Council. Mr Wynne has the forms and is
returning them.
Secretary has spoken to the Council about the rats problem and has been
promised that the rat catcher (Billy) will be in touch in the near future. If
we hear nothing soon we are to contact Malcolm Russell who will chase up the
Secretary will be trying to establish a kitchen and toilets cleaning rota to
begin as soon as possible.
The shop
will open for the first time this season on Sunday 13th March. It
will then be open from 12.00 – 1.00 p.m. each Sunday. The exception will be the
Easter weekend when the shop will be open on Saturday 26th March and
Monday 28th March. The Secretary is setting up a rota to staff the
The area in front of the Amenities Hut needs to
have the top layers of mud scraped off and a small trench dug in front of the
Hut to catch run-off. Hopefully this will prevent the periodic flooding of the
Brew Room and Shop.If any members know
of a local contractor who has a suitable JCB / Mini-digger who might be able to
do the work at a reasonable costs could they please contact a Committee member.
The guttering on the Amenities Hut needs to be
checked and cleared out.
The roof of the Amenities Hut needs to be
checked and repairs made.
The windows and doors of the Amenities Hut could
do with replacement. The Council is very unlikely to do this. We need to
consider if and how we should raise funds to do this ourselves.
The D-shaped grass area behind the Amenities Hut
is to be covered with the blue material to reduce weeds etc. An area will be
kept free for approved bonfires (see the Secretary if you wish to have one)
The Council has issued new guidelines on produce sales etc.
The Society could (if it wishes and if there is support)
have an Open Sunday on a weekly to monthly basis at which surplus produce could
be sold on behalf of the Society funds. If any members are interested in this
please contact a Committee member.
Similarly we could have another Spring Event along the lines
of last year’s successful market.
Members may wish to consider whether we should have a Car
Boot Sale again, either in conjunction with the Spring Event or separately.
The Open Day and Society Show is being moved back this year
to avoid clashes with the holiday plans of many plot-holders. It will be on
either August 28th or September 11th. (September 4th was originally
considered but this clashes with Guide Dogs Open Day which many of the stalls
who traditionally support our Open Day will also be attending)
Other Items
The Society has been donated a pallet of 60 bags of ‘Revive’
compost / soil conditioner by Viridor. It has been decided that (as long as
stocks last) plot-holders will receive one bag of compost when they pay their
2016 subs (£10/ £8).
Vacancies / Waiting Lists
Mr and Mrs Kerfoot have relinquished plot 46B – this plot
will now be re-let by the Society.
A new updated waiting list has now been received and agreed
with the Council and the plot will be offered to the next person on that list.
Annual Bolton Allotment Competitions
The Secretary has now received information about the
Fairhurst, Greenhalgh and New Entrants Trophies for 2016. Any plot-holder
interested in entering these competitions should contact her (preferably during
shop opening on the 26th or 28th March).
Bolton Vegetable Show
The All-Bolton Vegetable Show will be held at Trinity
Methodist Church on Saturday 20th August 2016. There are 25 classes
– the Secretary has details. We hope that plot-holders will enter produce in
this Show.
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