Committee Meeting 09/07/2014
1. Present: Gill Chamberlain (Chair), Margaret Jackson (Secretary), David Jackson (Treasurer), Pev Evans, Tom Liptrott, Barry Savage, Kath Worsley, Keith Worsley2.Apologies for absence
Glynn Platt
3.Matters arising from 11/06/14
a. Return of Marquee –
Mr Caswell has returned the marquee and made a donation to Society funds
b. Van body
The plot-holders have removed the van body from plot 32. NICE have removed the aluminium and the remaining wooden parts will go into the ‘spring clean’ skip.
c. Our Councillors were contacted re any approaches to the Council about the stables field and top field. They could find out little, but pressed the Director. As a result we received an email from Malcolm Russell which covered all matters outstanding in relation to site management but there is still no information from Estates as to whether the owner of the stables field has applied either for a connection from his field drains to the allotment drains (which will prevent run-off onto plots 2 and 3) or about a possible application for access through the top field.
d. A Newsletter has been circulated to all plot-holders
e. Members of the Committee had been invited to return the visit to Harpers Lane by the Sapling Rd Committee and visited them on Saturday 21st June.
4. Monthly Council Report –
The secretary reported that the monthly report to the Council had been filed and went through the salient points with the Committee.
5. New Tenants
The Secretary reported that two plots had been re-let and two new tenants taken on. Both have joined the Society.6. CVS Grant
The Society has been awarded a grant of £1273.93p by the Big Bolton Fund. The first use of this grant will be to hire a skip for a site clean-up before Open Day. The Committee agreed that the use of this skip be restricted to paid-up members of the Society. Non-members wishing to use the skip should join on the day and may be asked to pay a skip fee. The grant also covers the printing of the Open Day leaflets and the purchase of a second large gazebo to act as the Society tent at Open Day.
7. Open Day
a. The next Open Day meeting will take place at 2.00 p.m. on July 27th in the Brew Room.b. The schedule for erecting the Marquees, building the stage etc. will be posted on the Brew Room Door. It is anticipated that the field marquee will go up on the 2nd August and the Car Park Marquee on the 6th August.
c. We are hoping that the Prizes in the Flower and Veg Shows will be presented by our newly elected Ward Councillor Andrew Martin. The prizes in the ABAS Bolton Allotments Trophies will also be presented on the day in this case by Cllr. Sufrana Bashir-Ismail (Executive Member for the Allotments Service)
d. Volunteers are needed to help with tidying Plot 1. The Committee agreed to lay a weed suppressing membrane over parts of the plot and the Secretary agreed to try to source bark to cover the paths. The Harpers Lane Plant and Produce stall will be placed at the front of the plot on Open Day. The Secretary also reported on contact with Johnson Fold Community Action Group who are using builders’ crates to create instant raised beds. She hopes to acquire some crates for use on plot 1.
a. The cause of the fire on plot 67 remains unknown. The plot-holder has begun clearing the debris.
b. The Ladies Toilet Key has been found.
c. There had been a request from Christine Flanagan and Chris Green Both Conservative candidates – council and parliament respectively – to visit the site. The Committee agreed but hoped that candidates etc. of other parties would make similar visits. The Treasurer reported that he had recently spoken to Julie Hilling MP’s secretary and that Ms Hilling was keen to attend one of our events.
9. Any Other Business
It was agreed that the two plots facing a Council ‘Notice to Improve’ should be re-inspected on July 18th. The plot-holders were informed in writing.
It was agreed that the visits by the Mikron Theatre in previous years had been much appreciated and that the Society should seek to secure a visit in 2015.
10. Date and Venue of Next Meeting
No August Meeting was scheduled.
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