Present: Gill Chamberlain (Chair), Margaret
Jackson (Secretary), David Jackson (Treasurer), Tom Liptrott, Glyn Platt, Kath
Worsley, Keith Worsley
1. Apologies for absence
Barry Savage, Pev Evans
2. Minutes of last meeting
Were agreed by the Committee
3. Matters Arising from last meeting
See below
4. Update on Waiting List
The Secretary reported that there are 5 names on the waiting list as
Joanne (who had been helping on plot 1) has taken over Frank Ward’s old plot.
5. Financial Update
The Treasurer provided details of the Societies balances.
6. Outstanding Matters
a. What to do with the remaining Fencing
It was agreed to store
the fencing for the time being
b. Marquee and Brian Caswell
One of the marquees has
been loaned out to Brain Caswell for his daughter’s birthday party.
c. Organised Fires on the ‘D’
Council advice is that we
can have fires as long as these are limited in number and take place on the
D-shaped area at the end of the plots. No plastic or offensive materials (e.g.
painted wood) should be burnt. Materials should be dry to reduce smoke. Members
wishing to burn wood / weeds should arrange a date with the Committee in
d. Van Body
The van body on plot 32
will be cut up and removed
e. Drainage on plots 40/41
The Secretary reported
that contractors working on Harpers Lane say that the Highways drains on the
road are broken and they do not know where the road water is going. This may be
a contributing factor to the flooding on plots 40 and 41.
The Committee thanked
Keith Worsley for digging a trench down plot 41 to protect plot 40 from further
The Secretary reported
that Ray Maginn had found a source of water storage tanks at £40 per tank.
It was agreed to take no
further action until we find out mor about the drainage problems on Harpers Lane
other than to move one of the blue sheets onto plot 41 to suppress weeds.
f. Hiring Digger
The Treasurer reported
that we would not need any additional licences to use a 1.5 ton mini-digger.
The cost would be of the order of £150 per day.
g. Drainage work on Harpers Lane road
There is still no news
from the Council about drainage work relating to the manure bays and the car
park above the Brew Room
h. Drainage on plot 2
There is still no news
from Estates about a concession to allow Mr Whipp to connect his field drains
to the council drain at the base of plot 1 and thus water from his field
continues to flood plot 2.
i. Electric Strimmer
An electric (battery)
strimmer is now available through the shop for use on Sundays.
j. Petrol Strimmer
The petrol strimmer
continues to be available through Barry Savage but members are requested to
show consideration in when they ask Barry to provide it and when they arrange
to bring it back.
k. Contact Cllrs about Whipp’s plans
It was agreed that (in
the absence of information from the Council about proposals relating to the
stables field etc., the Committee should express concern to our Ward
7. Monthly Report (June)
of Tenancy – stage 1
Letters have been sent to
those identified in the inspection tour
of Tenancy – stage 2 – the Council has been advised to issue a Notice of
Improvement to one tenant.
next Inspection will take place w/c 23/06/2014
Open Day 2014 –
Update from meeting
A meeting had been held
on 8th June at which preliminary plans had been agreed. The
Secretary will arrange a second meeting at the beginning of July.
charity donation
The Committee confirmed
that 10% of profits will be donated to Prostate Cancer Awareness.
A bid has been submitted
to the CVS by the Treasurer to provide support for Open Day and other events
9. Proposal for a Newsletter
The Secretary’s proposal for a (one-off) Newsletter to be distributed to
all plot-holders was agreed by the Committee. Copies will be placed on plots /
pinned to structures.
Visit to Sapling Rd
It was agreed to visit Sapling Rd. Allotments Site on Saturday June 14th.
ABAS update
The Treasurer reported back on the ABAS meeting of 09/06/2014.
NAS Update
Kath and Keith Worsley reported back on the NSALG / NAS AGM at Blackpool
held the previous weekend.
7.30 p.m.
Wednesday 9th July at the Finishers