Present: Margaret
Jackson (Secretary), David Jackson (Treasurer), Gill Chamberlain, Glyn Platt,
Barry Savage
Apologies: Rob
Hellyer (Chair)
The meeting commenced at 7.30 p.m.
a) The
initial order from Maher’s was agreed.
b) Clearing
the shop in preparation for its reopening will take place from 10.00 a.m. on 22nd
c) The
Secretary will place a notice in the Brew Room, after which a draft Shop Rota
will be drawn up
a) The
Council has completed drainage work on Plots 1-3, this appears to have resolved
the problems on plots 1-3. However, the position with the compost bins remains
unclear. It was suggested that a contractor be brought in to excavate the
flooded bin, and then the base be filled with gravel.
b) There
are still problems with water entering the brew room after heavy rain, it has
been suggested that a contractor be employed to scrape the parking area
(reducing the level) and also to sink a drainage trench across the front of the
Amenities Hut.
c) It
was agreed that any decisions in respect of 2 (a) and 2(b) be delayed until the
Society gets a response from the Council to its proposal to take over
operational management of the site.
to the meeting (9/01/2013), the Allotments Officer has informed us (through Barry Savage)
that the contractors who carried out the drainage work on plots 1-3 did not
follow his plans. He intends to call them back to re-lay the drainage along the
road and past the garage area. It would appear that if this is done, the
problems with the compost bin and with the Amenities Hut may be significantly
The response from the Council to the Society’s
Proposal for self-management which was promised for the end of November 2012 has not
been received. Glyn Platt reported that he had e-mailed Cllr. Cliff Morris
about this, and Cllr Morris had agreed to meet the Committee. This meeting has now been set for January 21st
at 2.00 p.m. at the Town Hall.
b) All
actions relating to implementing the Co-operative structure(including opening
new Bank Accounts and organising an initial Quarterly Meeting have been
postponed pending the outcome of this meeting.
a) The
Society has proposed establishing some communal cultivation projects (hugel
beds, soft fruit planting and potentially bee-keeping and chicken enclosures)
in the woodlands areas of the site. The Council’s Woodlands Officer has visited
to discuss this. He intends to have the woodland thinned which will create
better growing conditions for the tress and also some clearings. He has agreed
that the Society could use some of these clearings for our projects.
b) The
Allotments Officer has agreed in principle that the Society can establish a Communal
Polytunnel on the area below the car park at the Riefield end of the site. Initially
the society will cover the area with a weed suppressing membrane. The society
currently possesses the framework of a polytunnel and an attempt will be made
in early Spring 2013 to erect this framework, after which a cover will be
purchased and final permission sought. It is intended that this polytunnel will be
used to grow a range of seedling plants which can then be sold through the
Society shop (an extension of the seed scheme).
a) The
only vacant plot at present is plot number 3. The previous tenants are
transferring to a new plot, and have been granted a period in which to transfer
their greenhouse and shed to that new plot. It is hoped to re-let the plot in
the Spring.
b) The
Treasurer was asked to clarify the expected purchase price of the brush-cutter
whose purchase was agreed at the AGM. That price is in the region of £350.00.
- Date of Next
a) It
was agreed to postpone setting the date of the next meeting until after the Committee
have met with Cllr Morris.
The meeting ended at
8.45 p.m.