1. The accounts for the Society were
presented by the Treasurer (David Jackson) and certified by the Auditor
(Christine Hargraves). Members
determined that the accounts be accepted as a true and fair statement of the
Society’s Finances. Copies of the audited
accounts (and the Open Day returns) have been placed in the Brew Room.
2. The Treasurer reported that the Council’s
budgets seem very limited, and that we must expect to have to make and pay for
all repairs, improvements, services on the site ourselves. The monies raised
through the shop, Open Day etc. will become essential if we are to do this.
meeting was advised that in accordance with the decisions of the previous EGM, an Industrial and Provident Society
(Harpers Lane Allotments Ltd.) has been registered as a co-operative with
the Financial Services Authority.
a list will be drawn up of all those eligible to be members of that Industrial
and Provident Society – i.e. all plot-holders and registered buddies on plots
on the Harpers Lane site - and posted in
the Brew Room. Please check this list to
ensure that husbands, wives, partners etc. who wish to be voting members of the
Industrial and Provident Society have been included. If not, get Margaret to register them as
The meeting decided that everyone on
the above list be then invited to take up a £1 share in the co-operative (i.e.
you pay £1 and you get a share). This is a one-off payment, not an annual
fee. It is holding the £1 share that gives you the right to vote in
meetings of the co-operative. (Please
note that by a decision of the previous EGM, in the event that the site becomes
self-managing, voting on any motion that sets plot-rents etc. is restricted to
one vote per tenancy).
It should be noted that as an Industrial and Provident Society, we will be obliged to hold four meetings of the full membership (the AGM and three EGMs) each year. The next EGM will be in January 2013.
It should be noted that as an Industrial and Provident Society, we will be obliged to hold four meetings of the full membership (the AGM and three EGMs) each year. The next EGM will be in January 2013.
4. The meeting approved a previous EGM decision that a proposal be submitted
to Bolton Council that Harpers Lane Allotment site become self-managing.
Self-management Steering Group has proposed that this be done in two stages
two-year period in which the co-operative acts as a managing agent on the site
and is paid a fee by the Council for so doing
that interim period, the co-operative would sign a 15-20 year Business Tenancy
Agreement with the Council. Under that agreement the co-operative will lease
the site from the Council at an agreed rent and on agreed terms
The terms of both agreements will be
negotiated between the Council and the Directors of the Co-operative and any
contract would be subject to the approval of a meeting of the co-operative
membership (an EGM).
Council has requested that the co-operative submit a detailed Business Plan for
their consideration. This plan was
submitted on behalf of the Directors on 23rd October 2012.
Co-operative has no intention at present, or in the foreseeable future of
taking on the management of the garage colony.
The meeting elected the following
members to act as the Committee of the Society (they will also form the initial
Board of Directors of Harpers Lane Allotments Ltd.)
Chair: Rob Hellyer
Secretary: Margaret Jackson
Treasurer: David
Jackson – David will also initially act
as Company Secretary for the
Committee: Gill Chamberlain, Barry Savage, Stephen
Duckworth, Glyn Platt
The meeting decided that the Society
/ Co-operative should become a member of the National Society of Allotments and
Leisure Gardens
(thus severing its links to the Allotment Gardens Council)
The meeting decided that Harpers Lane
Allotments Ltd. should become a member of Co-operatives UK in order to benefit from the free
legal services available to newly formed co-operatives.
The meeting decided that Harpers Lane
Allotments Ltd. will establish new banking accounts in a format acceptable to
grant-awarding and other funding bodies.
The meeting decided that the residual
assets of the Society be transferred to its successor, the Industrial and
Provident Society
(the ‘co-operative’) to be known as ‘Harpers Lane Allotments Limited’.
Under the rules of the current
Society, membership applies to a plot, rather than the individuals working it,
hence the subscription is per plot. In order to meet the legal
requirements of the I&PS, (in which ‘membership’ comes by possessing a
single £1 share), it is preferable to rename such subscriptions as ‘membership fees’.
In the light of the
decisions made previously (particularly the decision to rejoin the NSALG) the meeting voted to set membership fees per
plot for the year 2013 (Jan – Dec) at £9.00 for plots where the plot-holder
is under 60, and £7.00 for plots where the plot-holder is 60 or over. We’re sorry if this sounds complicated but
we’re trying to find our way through this transition period as best we can.
The meeting decided that up to £500
of the Society’s current Reserves should be spent on a new strimmer /
brush-cutter, subject to a suitably robust machine being
available for that price.
The meeting also felt that the Society’s
current strimmer and generator should be professionally serviced in time for
the 2013 growing season.
The meeting instructed the Site
Secretary to see whether, under schemes such as the Council’s Self-Help scheme,
road mending materials could be obtained and a working party set up to resolve
the problems with the bottom road.
At the request of the Site Secretary
a Working Party was formed to oversee the planning and implementation of the
2013 Open day event.
The Working Party will consist of:- June Catterall, Susan Jones, Pauline
Liptrott, and Doreen Wyatt. It is hoped that other sub-committees and working parties
can be created during the year to help spread the load of managing the site.
The meeting ended with the award of
the Society’s Prizes as follows:-
Plot of the Year
(Albert Parker Trophy)
Plot 15 –
Susan and Tony Torkington
Half-plot of the Year
(Hospital Saturday Trophy)
Plot 30 –
June Catterall
Best Newcomer
(Barron Trophy)
Plot 25 –
Owen Jeffrey
Most Improved Plot
(Brian Caswell Trophy)
Plot 8 –
Christine and Mike Hargraves
Most Improved Half-Plot
(Joan Caswell Trophy)
Plot 4 –
Maureen and Mike Waite
Best Frontage
(Walker Challenge Trophy)
Plot 39 –
Maureen and Mick Riley
Tallest Sunflower
(Jools Rigby Trophy)
Plot 15 –
Susan and Tony Torkington
Outstanding Contribution to the Society
(Jubilee Trophy)
Plot 9 –
Tom and Pauline Liptrott
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