This year's competition (to be judged by visitors on the day) will be for the 'best' frontage display which illustrates either an Olympic or Diamond Jubilee theme.
This year's show vegetable (for the Maher Cup) will be the courgette (rules of entry to the Flower and Vegetable Shows will be posted in the brew room soon).
Each year we choose a charity to support as a Society. This year's charity is Bolton Hospice (they are including Open Day in their Open Gardens series). Tom Liptrott (Plot 9) has built a wishing well which will be used as the centrepiece for Fundraising.
There will be the usual attractions:
- Tombola (donations of prizes will be welcomed)
- Bottle Tombola (donations of prizes will be welcomed)
- Raffle (donations of prizes will be welcomed)
- Produce Market (including chutney and jams, ice-cream and cheese stalls. Rob Hellyer is trying to create a 'collective' fresh fruit and vegetable stall, contact him if you have produce you want to sell, )
- Craft Market (cards, jewellery)
- Burger Bar
- Cake Stall
- Cafe / Tea Room
- Appalachian Dancers
- Band - 'The Dodgers'
Offers of help needed, please sign up on the board in the Brew Room
- Delivering Leaflets
- Erecting Gazebos and Marquees
- Stewarding
- Making cakes and scones for the cafe
- Helping out in the cafe on the day
- Acting as guides on the plots
Open day is a fun event and an opportunity for all plot-holders to get involved with the society in raising funds for improvements and raising awareness of the benefits of the site. Please join in as much as you can!
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