Wednesday, 8 June 2016



Committee Meeting – June 7th 2016 at Hollywood Road Social Club

Present: Keith Worsley (Chair), Margaret Jackson (Secretary), David Jackson (Treasurer), Veronica Burns, Kathryn Worsley, Paul Williamson.

Apologies: Glyn Platt

It was agreed by the Committee members present that Paul Williamson be formally co-opted onto the Committee.

The Secretary read through the minutes of the last meeting (10.05.2016), the following points were noted:

Plot 23B should have been included in the list of plots entered into ABAS Allotment Competitions. The full list is: New Entrants – 1&2 (combined), 23B, 38A, 60B and Fairhurst 41

Grass Cutting on the top field has begun – the cost is £40 per cut – we estimate 4 cuts per season.

Following the report of the break-in to the building on plot 61, we have been informed that a cultivator belonging to "a plot-holder"  was stolen during the incident.

There is still a problem with the main (Church Rd.) gates being left unlocked and often wide open. The Secretary was asked to place a prominent notice on the gate stating that it is a condition of tenancy that the gates be locked by any tenant when entering or leaving the site. The only exemption is on Sundays between 10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. The Committee resolved that any tenant who repeatedly does not secure the gates will be reported to the Council so that action may be taken. Since not securing the gates is a ‘breach of tenancy’ this could mean loss of the plot.

Some plot-holders had stated that the gates are often left open for long periods by one of the owners of the garages at the end of the site. We have no jurisdiction over these people, but have placed the matter with the Allotments section to see what can be done through Corporate Premises.

We have also had reports of young people entering or attempting to enter the garages at the top of the road to congregate in, in the evenings and possibly for the purposes of smoking cannabis etc. The Secretary was asked to contact the local PCSOs about this matter. .

The Secretary was asked to speak with our local Councillors about these problems.

It is hoped that the issue about water running off the road onto plots has been resolved through the purchase of a new tap adaptor.

The Council has been asked whether we might have some of the redundant 240 litre wheelie bins to use as water butts on plots. We await a reply.

No progress has been made on ‘Area Forum’ monies to enable the refurbishment of the Amenities Hut. It was therefore resolved as a matter of urgency to fit metal plates to the Ladies Toilet door. The Secretary was asked to enquire where these plates might be purchased.

The Society is not now having a Green Waste skip. When the Secretary approached Dickinsons’, she was told the price had increased considerably. We may consider having a normal skip but the problems of policing its use remain.

A decision on new banners for Open Day will be deferred to the first meeting of the Open Day Committee which will be on July 31st. This will give time to get banners from Minerva Print if we decide to do so. It was decided (in advance of that meeting) that we will purchase a new Tea Urn. It was also agreed that Veronica Burns will co-ordinate the café volunteers on Open Day.

It was decided that it was not appropriate to proceed with Stage II notices to the two plots identified at the previous meeting. There was some feeling amongst the Committee that they should be kept under observation.

It was reported that two members had inquired as to what action had followed Mr Russell’s promised intervention on the condition of one particular plot. The Treasurer agreed to ask Mr Russell.


The Summer Solstice Bonfire – this will take place on 18/06.

The fire will be built on Friday 17/06.

The Secretary is organising the cleaning and sorting out of the Brew Room in advance (w/c 13/06)

Use of the Brew Room Electricity to charge tools. This facility should be for Society members only. There was some concern that non-members are charging battery operated tools in the Brew Room. It was agreed to remind everyone that THE SOCIETY pays for the supply of electricity. It is NOT a Council Service.  The Treasurer will check electricity bills monthly and if usage rises above affordable levels action may be needed.

There is support for a SCARECROW competition on Open Day. The Secretary hopes that this might extend to people putting strong smelling items in the scarecrows pockets as this has been reported as deterring deer (which are again becoming a nuisance.)

We have had 4 more volunteers for the Shop Rota – thank you

After discussion the beekeepers do not feel able to have a Harpers Lane Honey stall at Open Day. We will therefore invite the Settle Street Beekeepers to have a stall.


The next meeting of the Committee will take place on July 5th at Hollywood Rd at 7.30 p.m.