Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Present: Keith Worsley (Chair), Margaret Jackson (Secretary), David Jackson (Treasurer), Veronica Burns, Glyn Platt, Kathryn Worsley.
In attendance: Paul Williamson
Apologies: Pev Evans

The Newsletter had been distributed on the site. It had led to a number of plot-holders paying their subs (10).

The promised visit from the Council Rat-catcher has not materialised. We will again flag this for attention in the Monthly Report. It has also been placed on the abas concerns matrix which goes to the Council each month.

It was decided to nominate the following for the New Entrants section in the Bolton Allotment Competitions
  • Plot 60B
  • Plot 38A
  • Plot 1&2
In addition plot 41 will be entered into the Fairhurst Trophy.

The Grass on the top field has been cut – the cost was £40.00. There will be subsequent cuts as needed throughout the growing season.

It has been reported that schoolchildren from Smithills School are using the site as a short-cut. They climb over the gate by the ginnel and if the main gate is locked they undo the posts keeping it shut, slide back the bar and force a gap through which they can squeeze. This put pressure on the lock and will eventually cause it to fail. Can plot-holders please ensure that when they fasten the gates they use the chain to make the tightest possible fastening?

On a related matter (that of people entering the site from Moss Bank Way) it was decided to situate one of our security cameras on the Bottom Row. The building on plot 61 was recently broken into and we suspect the intruders came in this way. This will also enable us to check the activities of the deer.

There has been a complaint about some tenants running water for long periods. When the hose isn’t properly fixed to the tap this leads to flooding onto other plots, and if the tap in use is at the Brew Room end it means that plot-holders further down the site have no water pressure. Please show consideration to other plot-holders when using water.

On a related matter, the Committee asked that the Secretary contact Neighbourhood Services to enquire whether some of the redundant 240 litre wheelie bins could be diverted to the site to be used as water storage butts.

Finally the Secretary will investigate purchasing a large water butt for storing rainwater to use to flush the toilets when the mains is switched off.

There was again a strong feeling amongst the Committee that the doors on the Amenity Hut need replacing (and indeed that the roof of the store section needs attention. This will be flagged on the Monthly Report to the Council, plus we will contact Cllr Hayes about Area Forum money. David thinks there may be possible sources for grants to do the work, but asked again for volunteers to take on some of the fundraising role.

Some burnt material has been deposited on the bottom row. The Secretary is aware of this and has agreed that it is to be removed by the tenant as soon as possible.

Two members are seeking to arrange deliveries of manure. The Society will pay the transport costs. The manure will be free to members as usual. Similarly we hope supplies of bark will continue.

The beekeepers would again warn against encroaching on the bee-hive area. One set of bees in particular can be quite aggressive and bees are in any case unpredictable. Hence stay out or be stung!

Most members will be aware of the situation facing Mr Wynne on plot 51. The Society remains ready to offer any help that he or his family may request.

The Secretary is arranging for a Green Waste Skip to be placed on the site.

Planning for the Summer Solstice Bonfire (18th June) continues – Pev will do a curry.

We are examining getting new banners for the Open Day event.

Two plots were identified for stage 1 – informal warnings of inadequate or mal-cultivation – the Secretary will be contacting those plot-holders.

The next meeting is 7.30 p.m. June 7th, Hollywood Social Club.