Monday, 20 April 2015

MINUTES 13.04.2015

Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising

The Break-In

The Insurance Claim is now with the Insurance Company

The Council has stated that it will make the repairs to the Brew Room

Drainage Works

Work is proceeding on extending the drainage pipe from plot 41 across the bottom road.

 Financial Position


The Society currently has balances of £1,073.33 in cash and the bank

Of this sum £ 62.40 are restricted funds leaving £1,013.93 as ‘free money’.

The Treasurer reminded the Committee that we need a balance of at least £1,175 each December in order to a) pay our NAS subscriptions, b) pay the site insurance and c) restock the Allotment Shop – we therefore need at least another £162 before additional spending can be sanctioned.

Therefore the Spring Event and Open Day will again be very important.


At present only 50% of plot-holders have paid their annual subscriptions.

Apparently some plot-holders have been told that they do not have PUBLIC LIABILITY insurance – we would remind them that ALL society members have full public liability insurance through the Society’s insurance policy with Bluefin. What we have not been able to arrange is property and produce insurance for individual plots – we could probably do this if we increased subscriptions by a large multiple but not on current subs.

CVS Grant

The CVS grant has now been spent – we have the leaflets for the Spring Event and for Open Day and also materials for making promotional banners.

Tenants’ Issues


The Secretary has acted on a request for Bark Delivery and has arranged for a tree surgeon to deliver bark as soon as possible. This will be deposited on the end of plot 1.

Request to Keep Bees on an individual Plot

There has been a request to establish bee hives on an individual plot (as opposed to within the communal bee-keeping area agreed with the Council). This request has been passed to the Council for a decision as it is outwith the terms of the OMA which only gives permission for hives on a communal area below the bottom road.  

Children on Plots

The Committee has been requested to remind tenants that if although children are very welcome on the site, they should ensure that they are properly supervised and not allowed to go on other tenants’ plots unless invited.

Spring Event 9th and 10th May

Market / Car Boot – 9th May 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

There will be a producers’ market in the marquee in front of the Brew Room – so far invitations have been given to stalls for honey, cheese, ice cream, lamb and venison, preserves, spices. There will also be a stall raising funds for the communal bee-keeping project (any donations of items for sale would be gratefully received see Margaret or Kath Worsley) and we are seeking other producers.  The Society will have a plant stall on Plot 1 (any donations of spare plants will be gratefully received again see Margaret).

If there is sufficient demand we’ll organise another Car Boot –

Stalls in the Marquee and spaces on the Car Boot will be free to all society members, other stall-holders will pay £10.00.

There will be hot food and tea and coffee available.

We are still seeking items for a Cake Stall and volunteers to help staff the Café on the day.

We are hoping to have a stall in the marquee selling items from the Allotments Shop, again volunteers to staff this are needed.

 Putting up marquee

It is hoped to erect the two marquees on Saturday 2nd May and Sunday 3rd May – volunteers are needed – please see Margaret.

Delivering Leaflets

We have had a number of promotional leaflets printed. Volunteers are needed to distribute these in the same way that we distribute the Open Day leaflets each year.

 Mikron Theatre 10th May 1.00 p.m.

We will need help running the café during the performance interval

 Borough Allotment Competitions

Margaret has entered plot-holders in both the New Entrants and Fairhurst Trophy sections. WE have decided not to enter the Rosebowl


Project to be completed are:

Installing Further Security Cameras around the Brew Room

Creating a Children’s Den / Play Area

The Committee decided that a newsletter should be written and printed and distribute to all members. This newsletter will set a date for a meeting about the Spring Event. The Treasurer will produce and have copied this newsletter by Saturday 18th April and it will then be distributed.

 The planned picture of all women allotmenteers will take place on the 6th June at 2.00 p.m. This is part of the site’s contribution to the National Allotment Society’s display at the Southport Flower Show.


Some plot-holders are still dumping waste materials on the site. The area formerly designated for tipping weeds had to be closed because the facility was abused – people were tipping plastic and glass. This is happening again at other points along the bottom road. Plot-holders are reminded that dumping waste on the site constitutes a Breach of Tenancy and could lead to eviction from the site.


The next meeting of the Committee will take place on the 5th May at 6.30 p.m. at the Amenities Hut.