Friday, 6 February 2015

MINUTES 03-02-2015

  1. Financial Position
    1. The Treasurer reported that the Balance at Lloyds Bank stood at £2,149.68
    2. Of this £ 1015.89 was restricted or committed  funds
    3. The remainder £ 1,133.79 are ‘free funds’


  1. The Shop
    1. Maher’s Order – this order for £472.52 has been placed, delivery will be on 09/02/2015
    2. Preparing Shop for New Season – we will meet to clear the shop for the new season at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday February 8th
    3. The left-over Books and Bric-a-Brac from Open Day and the Car Boot Sale have been given to Sue Ryder Home, Cuerden Valley)
    4. The shop will open for the season on March 1st
    5. The shop will then be open every Sunday between 12.00 and 1.00 p.m.
    6. The Secretary will post a noice asking for volunteers to staff the shop and will then draw up a rota
    7. Collecting and Recording Subscription Payments will follow the same procedure as last year – payments will be collected in the shop and entered onto the sales pad. A plan of the site will be kept in the shop and plots will be marked as subscriptions are paid.


  1. CVS Grant
    1. There remains the sum of £480.97 which must be spent by 01/08/2015
    2. This can be spent under four headings

                                                              i.      Site Clean Up Activities

                                                            ii.      Purchase of Gazebos – this category has been spent

                                                          iii.      Society Banner – a banner has been donated

                                                           iv.      Leaflets and publicity for events

    1. The Committee would wish to divide the remaining funds between (i) and (iv)


  1. Padlocks – we received an email from the Council stating that they wished to replace our current padlocks with combination locks. The task of informing tenants was to be carried out by the Society. The Secretary asked for two padlocks (one for each gate) and asked the Council who would inform the garage holders (for whom we have no contact details). The Council rather than undertake the task of contacting the garage holders, decided to withdraw the offer of combination locks so we will continue with the current arrangements.


  1. Community Plots
    1. Plot 1 – the poly-tunnel is to be used to grow plants for sale for Society Funds – mammoth leek plants, sweet peas and perhaps bedding plants – The Secretary will co-ordinate the use of the poly-tunnel. The rest of the plot will continue to be used for induction sessions with new tenants.
    2. Plot 3 – Church Rd. School have now started their project


  1. Problems with Council Rent Collection
    1. A number of tenants had issues about being contacted for non-payment when they had in fact paid and had receipts, we have raised these issues with the Allotments section and hope that all have now been resolved (or in one case, will be)


  1. Plot 41 – it is proposed that the Treasurer purchase a holding tank and 50 metres of piping. The responsibility for sinking the tank on plot 41 and then laying the pipes from the tank down across the bottom road will fall to the tenants affected. Again the Secretary will seek to co-ordinate this.


  1. Mahers’ Cup
    1. This year’s Vegetable will be the BEETROOT


  1. Abas Onion and Leek Show
    1. This show will take place on 27th September 2015 at Astley Bridge Cricket Club.
    2. There will be a talk on April 13th by Dave Metcalfe from the National Vegetable Society  on Onion Growing
    3. Entry details, classes and forms will be available later in the year.


  1. Community Empowerment Fund – the Council has instituted a new source of funding which takes the form of grants for projects which will save Council money in providing services. There are two categories – small – 1 year project - maximum grant £2,000 and start-ups which are major projects which will attract up to £25,000 p.a. for two years. There are a number of submission dates through the year. Current ideas include buying a sit-on mower (or small tractor)  and taking over the cutting of the top field, installing composting toilets which would provide all year round facilities, reclaiming former plots below the bottom road (essentially income generation) – members are invited to submit their ideas  to the Committee


  1. Publishing of Minutes – the Committee decided to continue the practice of publishing Committee minutes on the blog-site. It is hoped that more members will access the site and read notices and minutes for themselves rather than relying on second-hand reports. We may also post minutes in the Brew Room.


  1. Any Other Business and Date of Next Meeting
    1. Kath Worsley had costed Security Cameras and the Committee approved the spending of up to £230 to purchase cameras and signs which should be in place during the harvesting season to combat thefts from plots. The Treasurer will enquire of our insurers whether these cameras are covered by our existing policy in case of theft or damage.
    2. The next meeting will take place on March 3rd at 7.30 p.m. at Hollywood Social Club.