Monday, 29 September 2014


Present: Gill Chamberlain (Chair), Margaret Jackson (Sec), David Jackson (Treas), Pev Evans, Tom Liptrott, Glyn Platt, Kath and Keith Worsley

The meeting began at 7.30 p.m.

1.       Apologies for Absence

Barry Savage


2.       Minutes of Last Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting having been posted ion the blog-site were passed.


3.       Matters Arising from previous meeting

a.       The skip was hired and waste material removed.

b.      Open Day was held – see below

c.       Mikron Theatre will be visiting in 2015 – May 10th is the date set


4.       Feedback on Open Day

a.       Monies to Prostate Cancer – a cheque for £75 has been sent to Prostate Cancer Awareness UK

b.      A Total of £720 was raised. How to spend the remaining £645?

Priorities are|:

                Site Security – CCTV cameras, Warning Signs

                Sorting out the drainage on plot 41 – see below

Hiring a mechanical scythe to cut down the growth on the D-shape before Bonfire NIght

c.       Remaining Prizes (Raffle?)

It was agreed to hold a Christmas Raffle using the large high-value prizes left from Open Day

d.      Surplus Books (Disposal of)

It was agreed to organise a car-boot sale on October 19th. Plot-holders and others will be invited to take a stall. The Society will have a book stall (Kath and Keith volunteered to staff it). Gill is co-ordinating the event. Pauline Liptrott will organise the café. Dave J will create a banner for the event which will be placed on the gate. We may also use the A-frame to advertise it.

MJ will distribute a leaflet to all plot-holders about the event and posters will be put up in Morrisons and Church Rd Post Office


5.       Monthly Report

a.       August report (including vacant plots and waiting list)

The August Report was circulated..

b.      Arrangement of September Inspection

It was agreed to conduct the September Site Inspection on the evening of Monday Sept 22nd

c.       Update on Plot 41 (water)

In the short term the trench seems to be draining plots 40 and 41 effectively, but the problems now seem to have shifted to the plots below.

Progress on a proper solution seems halted – waiting on others

We are waiting for the drainage expert to survey the pipe and report back

The Council has agreed to visit the site and re-inspect the pool at the top on Safety Grounds

If nothing happens soon we shall simply buy tanks and pipes and try our own remedy.


6.       Update and Forward Plans on Plot 1

MJ reported that she now has volunteers to Plot 1 and look after the poly-tunnel

Plans need to be finalised for growing plants / produce both for the spring event and Open Day 2015.


7.       Report back from ABAS meeting with Council

DJ reported that he had attended a meeting between ABAS representatives and Malcolm Rusell. A full report will be posted on the ABAS blog-site ( )


8.       Onion and Leek Show 2015

a.       Sponsorship of a class

It was agreed that the Society will sponsor a class at the Onion and Leek Show


9.       Kings’ Catalogues

The Kings’ Seeds Catalogues have arrive and have been placed in the Brew Room.

It was agreed that the small additional discount that the Society receives for aggregating orders etc. should be retained by the Society and set against admin.costs.


10.   Planning Application – Stables Field

The Society submitted comments relating to the application to build two houses on the stables field.

The Secretary has spoken to the applicant who has now abandoned any plans to acquire any part of the allotment field as access.

The applicant had also explained how he intends to deal with the drainage and sewage issues raised in our comments.


11.   Spring Event

The current plan is to hold the Spring Event on EASTER MONDAY.(April 6th 2015)

(Alternatives might be to combine the event with the visit of the Mikron Theatre Company on 10th May – (perhaps holding a two day celebration? Or holding it on May 4th – the early Spring Bank Holiday and leaving the marquee(s) up for a week )


12.   Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night will be on November 8th

Usual free entry to plot-holders and guests

Society will provide food (Curry and Rice (Pev), Parkin, Black Peas, see Mick about burgers etc.) and beer (DJ to get small barrel)




13.   Any Other business

It was agreed to hold the AGM (of the Society) before Christmas

MJ will seek to find a room for the meeting (this may be difficult as the Finishers’ is being refurbished and will become open plan)


There is some urgency about mending holes I the top raod near plots 41 and 42.


14.   Bees News

MJ is booked on her bee course.