February 2014 – The Finishers – commencing 7.30 p.m.
- Opening of the Meeting by the
In the absence of Mr R Hellyer
who had given notice of his resignation as Chair, Mr G Platt was asked to chair
the meeting.
- Explanation as to why a joint
AGM by the Treasurer
The Treasurer explained that in
September 2012, we started Harpers Lane Allotments Ltd – a co-operative
established as an Industrial and Provident Society. The intention at the time
was to close the existing Harpers Lane Allotments Society (an unincorporated
association). However for a number of reasons (including delays in opening
suitable bank accounts for the co-operative) we had to keep the society going.
Then the society was awarded a grant by CVS so we had to keep it going until
that grant was spent (we’ve still a way to go). Finally we were advised by a
CVS-appointed consultant to retain both organisations – so that’s what we are
doing. We didn’t want to drag everyone out twice on cold winter nights so we
had a joint meeting.
- Chair’s Report
The Chair, Rob Hellyer having
indicated his wish to resign from the Management Committee of the society and
from the Board of the Co-operative, did not attend the meeting and therefore
there was no Chair’s Report – the content of that item being divided between
the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Reports. The Secretary wished to record the
Society’s thanks to Mr Hellyer for his past service to the Society.
The Minutes of the AGM of 14.10.2012
were accepted, subject to the insertion of the amendment set out below to
remedy an omission pointed out previously by the Secretary and Treasurer.
Committee proposed that we inserted the following into the minutes.
That Christine Hargraves was invited,
and agreed, to act as the Society’s Reporter / Auditor for the period of the
financial year ending 30/09/2014.
That the Treasurer referred to
Clause 129 – Audit of the Co-operative’s model rules and advised that the
Co-operative should claim the exemption from Audit (in the technical
professional sense) under the Acts referred to. The Co-operative’s advisor has informed us that under the FCA guidance
the submitted (unaudited accounts) must be signed by the Secretary and two
other members of the Board of Directors / Management Committee.
This was agreed by the meeting.
The consultant also advised that we should reconfirm at each AGM that
the members wish this practice to continue.
The Committee proposed that we reconfirm our decision to claim
exemption. This again was agreed by the meeting.
- Report by the Secretary of the Society and the Secretary / Chief Executive of HLA Ltd
The Secretary’s Report covered the
following areas:
Dealings with Bolton MBC
The Borough no longer has a dedicated
Allotments Officer – Alan Crook having been redeployed. Communication is now
primarily through email to
New Management Processes and
Operational Management Agreements (OMAs)
The Directors of HLA Ltd. have met with
Malcolm Russell (Head of Neighbourhood Services). Mr Russell has used Harpers
Lane as a pilot for the system of Operational Management Agreements which he
wants to introduce. Copies of Mr Russell’s handouts on the new processes and
procedures as provided at the ABAS meeting on February 12th were
made available to members.
Under the OMA the Co-operative would
be responsible for grass cutting on the site. The Co-operative has a lawn-mower
which needs servicing before use.
Under the OMA the Council propose
that the Co-operative would be responsible for treating the Japanese Knot-weed
at the bottom of the site. This is an area of concern.
Mr Russell has agreed to investigate
whether the Council might be able to supply a ‘container / cabin’ to store
tools and equipment.
Mr Russell is now in a position to
discuss a lease giving security of tenure on the site to the Co-operative.
Initially it may be that the lease will just cover the Amenities Hut and the
communal areas of the site. If such a lease is obtained then we can apply for
grants to improve building security e.g. shutters for the windows etc. The
lease would also cover any new community plots which we can create – these will
be free of rent.
Community Plots
One important aspect of the pilot
scheme has been the introduction of Community Plots.
With Mr Russell’s assistance we were
able to retake possession of Plot 70 and its poly-tunnel and shed. This then
became a ‘training plot’ where some 8 people from the waiting list were able to
gain some experience of running a plot. At the end of these ‘induction’
sessions four people were placed onto vacant plots, two are now sharing plot 70
and two dropped out. Based on these outcomes we believe that community plots
and induction sessions reduce the number of early drop-outs on newly rented
plots, thus reducing the time plots stand uncultivated.
1 has now been designated as the new Community Plot.
Drainage on Plots 40/41, above
the Brew Room and plots 1-4
The Secretary has raised the
problems of flooding on plots 40 and 41 with Mr Russell. He has promised action
but any attempts seem to disappear somewhere between the Council bureaucracy
and United Utilities. Mr Platt has attempted to find out through contacts at UU
what approaches have been made by the Council but to no avail. However we now
have some plans as to where UU pipes run across the site. Similarly Mr Russell
can’t find out where within Bolton MBC the matter is at present. In the
meantime plots 40 and 41 are unusable and the situation is deteriorating as
neighbouring plots become affected. A proposal to install a drainage ditch,
holding tanks and piping has been outlined but neither the Council nor the
Co-operative has the funds. To enable this to happen it might be necessary for
the Council to declare plots 40 and 41 as community plots, provide a long lease
and then we could apply for a drainage grant. It has been agreed (as a second
best solution) that Mr Taylor (plot 40) has first refusal on any full-sized
plot that comes vacant, but we have as yet no agreement with Mr Bimpson (plot
Since the AGM a United Utilities engineer has visited the site. After
testing, he tells us that the water is spring or stream water. He believes
either an old drain or a culvert has become diverted sending the water down a
new course. He suggests that the best remedy is to capture water in channels
and tanks and use it to reduce water consumption on the plots. We intend to
pursue this remedy – Mr Taylor is seeking to source some recycled water tanks
and Mr Russell is trying to find a source of suitable piping.
There was a proposal to insert
new drains to protect the Brew Room and Shop, which would be funded by the £260
allocated for Harpers Lane for 2013-14 under the OMA which we have not yet
accessed. An engineer from the Council’s
Landscaping Section came and surveyed the site and proposed a solution
just before Christmas. It looks like this initiative was likely to cost more
than the sum available. We’ll pursue
this as well.
Finally, the new owner of the
horse paddock / stables (David Whipp) has employed contractors to lay new
drains on his land. Our understanding was that these drains would join up with
the drain installed by the Council between plots 1 and 2 last winter, and then
flow away down the large drain that runs along the site road. Mr Whipp’s drains
however seem to end at the gate to his property, they do not join with the site
drains and water is flooding onto plot 2. The
Secretary will take this up with Mr Whipp.
Concern was expressed by members
about the fact that Mr Whipp has effectively destroyed the hedge that ran
between his land and the top field. The Secretary stated that it had been her
understanding that Mr Whipp was going to install a security fence along the
lane boundary and a secure fence between his field and the allotments. He has
installed a fence at the bottom of his field. In conversation Mr Whipp had
stated that (rather than have the land for stabling horses) it was now his
intention to seek planning permission to build a house on the plot. To this end
he was seeking the grant of a 5 metre strip at the top of the Allotment Site to
create an access road into his property.
The Society would oppose such a proposal and the Secretary had contacted
Malcolm Russell who confirmed that such an approach had been made but that the
Council saw no merit in it and it had been refused. It was proposed that the Co-operative undertake the building of a fence
/ hedge between the top field and Mr Whipp’s property.
Members also expressed concern
that a number of non-plot holders seemed to have keys to the site. The Secretary promised to review the
CVS Grant
The Society received a grant (from the Big Bolton Fund) of £1384 to
establish the Community Plot on Plot 1. We have erected a poly-tunnel (the
Secretary thanked all those who helped) and are now building a set of raised
beds. When the beds are completed and the Council provide an updated waiting
list, we will run another induction course.
The grant will also enable us to buy tools / wheelbarrows.
The management of the poly-tunnel
will be by a sub-committee of Barry Savage, Tom Liptrott and Richard Isted.
Under the terms of the grant, the poly-tunnel’s primary use is to provide plants
which can be sold to plot-holders / members through the Allotment Store. Any
monies raised will go to Society Funds. Other uses will be developed by the
sub-committee over time.
In later discussion it was recognised that most produce from the raised
beds will obviously go to the people on the induction course who are
cultivating them. However it was agreed that surplus produce from both the
raised beds and the poly-tunnel could either be sold for Society funds or
distributed to good causes (the Diggers’ Kitchen being an example).
Other projects (future)
The Secretary reported support from
Council officers for the Society / Co-operative to use the woodland areas on
the site. She is particularly keen to see a
Bee Keeping group established with an apiary in one of the woodland areas.
She invited volunteers.
The Treasurer also pointed out
that the Society has the frame of another
poly-tunnel and permission to erect it on a piece of unused ground. He
invited anyone interested in this project to get in touch once the weather
A more substantial project is the recovery of former allotments below the
bottom road many of which were swallowed up by the Tree Nursery. The
Treasurer had been discussing with the Bolton Together group at Bolton CVS the
possibility of getting private sector firms involved but this initiative seems
to have faltered.
The issue of the Site Road was raised. The Treasurer pointed out that (unless
and until the Co-operative have control of / responsibility for the site), the
site road is the Council’s responsibility and they have declined (citing lack
of funds) to undertake any repair / improvement. It is also unlikely that Area
Forum funds could be used to cover this work since the site road is not a
highway. The Secretary informed members that the Council is hoping to
reintroduce its self-help scheme. Under that scheme the Council might be able
to supply us with road planings which we could use to fill in holes etc. Whilst
this would help there was a feeling that something more substantial (involving
road drains, compacting etc.) was needed.
Harrogate Trip
A party from the Society went to
the Harrogate Autumn Show. There was some member support for a further trip to
the Spring Show especially to renew contact with the Yorkshire Regional
Societies. The secretary will post
details in the Brew Room.
Barclays Grant
Following the break-in in
November the Treasurer applied for a £100 grant from Bolton CVS to replace the
cooker and microwave etc. that had been stolen. £100 was received from Barclays
Bank following this application. We have
also been given a ‘built-in’ double oven and hob. The aim is to acquire a
housing into which that can be fitted and a new microwave. We are proposing not
to install the microwave until the Brew Room has been made more secure.
Outside Matters
ABAS is the Association of Bolton
Allotment Societies. The Association has been much weakened in recent years, at
recent meetings only 5 out of the 37 sites in Bolton have been represented.
However there has been a revitalisation in recent months and the last two
meetings have been very well attended (over 60 people at each, with something
like 75% of plot-holders represented).
ABAS is to a degree on trial. It can
provide both the body which will run the Borough-wide allotments competitions
and a channel of communication between plots and the Council.
If ABAS proves itself it will
need funds. The proposal is that each site should contribute 50p per plot to
the ABAS fund. The meeting agreed that
subject to ABAS demonstrating its relevance this sum should be paid from
Society funds.
The Secretary and Treasurer attended a meeting of the North West
Counties Allotment Association – the regional group of the National Allotments
Society (NSALG). It is proposed that the
Society continue to be represented at such meetings.
The Society is a member of the
‘National’ – we have received quite a bit of support from both the National’s
legal officer and the new North Western Area representative. The subscription
at £146 represents a substantial part of the monies raised as membership
subscriptions but is felt to be essential. It is
proposed that the Society continue in membership of the NSALG/NAS.
- Presentation of
the Accounts of the Society
Essentially the Society continued
as it had previously between 01/07/2012 and 19/9/2012 –then all non-grant
related activities switched to the co-operative. The balance of assets held by
the society was transferred (in the form of an interest-free, unsecured loan)
to the co-operative. Simplified summaries covering the balance sheet and the
trading activities of the co-operative were circulated at the meeting.
The members agreed the acceptance of the accounts.
- Statement by the Reporter /
Auditor of the Society
The auditor (Christine Hargraves)
has signed off the society’s accounts. She had concerns that at the time the
accounts closed (30/9/2013) the monies of both society and co-operative were
kept in the same account at Lloyds Bank. This is now remedied and the society
and co-operative bank accounts are separated (two in Lloyds for the society and
two in the Co-operative Bank for the co-operative).
Christine has expressed her
willingness to continue as the Reporter / Auditor for the society. The meeting agreed that Mrs Hargraves
continue as reporter / auditor.
- Presentation of the Accounts of
HLA Ltd.
HLA Ltd is treated as a limited
company by HMRC – this means that we need to submit formal statutory statements
of accounts – unlike the society. These statements have been produced in house,
and will be submitted along with all other required returns to both the HMRC
and the Financial Conduct Authority. Given an overall loss of around £520 over
the period there will be no liability for corporation tax falling on the
co-operative this year.
Simplified summaries covering the
balance sheet and the trading activities of the co-operative were circulated at
the meeting.
The members agreed the acceptance of the accounts.
- Statement by the reporting
directors of HLA Ltd. on the HLA Accounts
The Directors have examined the
draft statutory accounts of the co-operative and as the Board of the Co-operative
will submit those accounts to both the FCA and HMRC.
- Report by the Treasurer of the
Society and the Financial Director of HLA Ltd.
There will be changes to the financial management policies for
2013-2014 and beyond.
We have been advised by a consultant provided by the CVS:-
a) To
use the society to receive all membership subscriptions
b) To
use the society accounts to pay insurance and membership of national,
regional and local bodies
c) To
receive small grants which do not involve capital work
d) To
pay the costs of the brew-room facility
The Treasurer’s opinion was the
membership subscriptions will only just cover items b) and d) and there is
unlikely to be sufficient spare money to fully cover administration. Therefore
it is essential that activities such as Open Day continue and that they make a
positive contribution to the finances of the society.
We have been advised that the
co-operative should:-
a) Take
on any leases or agreements with third parties
b) Carry
out the requirements of the Operational Management Agreement with the Council
c) Receive
any grants that involve contractors or capital work
d) Undertake
any works on site
e) Undertake
any trading activities (including running the shop on behalf of the Society – the shop is properly referred to as the
‘store’, since it is essentially a means of distributing, and recovering the
costs of, goods bought in bulk collectively to individual members, rather than
a commercial enterprise.)
The Treasurer stated that as with the
Society funds are tight – the original business plan was based on the Council
rebating a proportion of rents to the Co-operative which could be used to cover
the costs of maintenance and management activities – this the Council claims it
is unable to do since the rents from some sites are used to subsidise the costs
of providing facilities at others – thus balancing income and costs across the
Borough. It is vital therefore that members support services such as the store
so that we do not incur losses.
- Vote on proposed change to the Constitution of Harpers Lane Allotment Society
to the Constitution of Harpers Lane Allotments Society
It is the recommendation of the
Secretary that the following item be added to the standing orders of the
Co-operative:that any expenditure exceeding £50.00 (with the exception listed
below) must be explicitly authorised by a vote of Management Committee.
The exception will be where
expenditure is fully covered by monies received as a grant and where the
expenditure is specified as part of that grant.
The motion was agreed by the meeting.
- Vote on proposed changes to
standing orders of HLA Ltd.
Addition to the Standing Orders of Harpers Lane Allotments Limited
It is the recommendation of the
Secretary that the following item be added to the standing orders of the
Co-operative: that any expenditure exceeding £100.00 must be explicitly
authorised by a vote of the Board of Directors.
motion was passed by the meeting.
- Setting of the rate of
membership subscriptions to Harpers Lane Allotments Society
The Management Committee recommended
that the subscription be kept at £9.00 per member and £7.00 concessionary.
motion was passed by the meeting.
- Report by the Open Day Committee
Sue Jones reported on the Open Day
2013. The event had been successful both in terms of raising monies for the
Society and for our nominated charity (Derian House). The event had also been a
great success as a community event. Mrs Jones stated however that more help is
needed – the event is growing and there are more tasks to be done each year.
She asked that members both sign up for jobs and also actually turn up when
work needs to be done.
Members asked whether the marquees
could be erected the week previous to the event rather than on the evening
before. It was felt this change might mean moving the site of the flower show
away from the top field and onto the ‘D’ as the top field might attract
vandals. The Committee will discuss this
with the Open Day Committee when formed.
Members asked whether (given the
Society’s need to generate funds) it might be possible to stage a Spring event
(which would also improve cash-flow and give us money when we need it.) The Committee will discuss the form of such
an event. The Secretary has
previously informed members that there will be no theatre presentation this
year, but we hope it can return in 2015.
of Officers
Chair – Gillian Chamberlain was elected Chair of
the Society and Chair of the Board of Directors of Harpers Lane Allotments Ltd.
Secretary – Margaret Jackson was elected Secretary
of the Society and Chief Executive / Secretary of Harpers Lane Allotments
Treasurer – David Jackson was elected Treasurer
of the Society and Finance Director of Harpers Lane Allotments Limited.
Committee Members – Glyn Platt and Barry Savage
were re-elected as members of the Committee of the Society and as Director of
Harpers Lane Allotments Ltd. The following were elected as members of the
Committee of the Society and will be invited to become Directors of Harpers
Lane Allotments Ltd. – Tom Liptrott, Pev Evans, Kath Worsley and Keith Worsley.
- Setting of the
Date of Open Day – Open Day (subject to reviewing other events on that
day) will be 17th August 2014.
- Announcement of
the Vegetable for the Maher Trophy - COURGETTE
- Any other Business
Health and Safety Issues
relating to dangerous structures – it was reported that a structure on one
allotment is in a dangerous condition and is a threat to health and safety. The
Treasurer advised that such matters were covered by the new rules on the
reporting of a ‘breach of tenancy’. Representatives of HLA will therefore take
photographs of the structure and contact the plot-holder. If the matter is not
remedied then the relevant report supported by photographs will be submitted to
the Council.
Trespassing and theft of
produce – it was reported that there have been incidents of people
trespassing on the plots of other members and that in some instances produce
has been taken. Such behaviour is again a ‘breach of tenancy’ and if it is
reported to the Committee and evidence can be gathered, the procedures as
stated above will be followed.
Choice of Charity
Prostatecanceruk is the Society’s
chosen charity this year having gained the most votes (8) above
Urban Outreach (6)
Guide Dogs (6)
Crones’ Disease Awareness (1)
Close of Meeting – the meeting
closed at 10.15 p.m.
There were 21 members
present at the AGM