- We have received a £100 grant from Barclays to enable us to replace
the items stolen in the burglary. The money should be here next week, so
we'll try to get a new microwave etc. after Christmas.
- The ABAS meeting on Dec 5th went well. ABAS are meeting with
Malcolm Russell in January to discuss the Council's proposals for managing
allotments following the cuts.
- The accounts are now with Christine as the Auditor - after
Christmas she, David and David Walsh (plot 70) will do the returns for the
Financial Conduct Authority and the HMRC. Life is more complicated as a
co-operative! We are aiming to have our AGM in either January or February.
We just need to find a suitable (warm and dry) venue.
- The site insurance has been renewed.
- The 2014 Subscriptions will be due in January.
The SIte also featured in Allotment and Leisure Gardener - the journal of the NSALG - Issue number 4 2013