Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Dobies Seeds

Please note that new supplies of the Dobies Seeds catalogues and order forms have been placed in the Brew Room. There are substantial discounts on seeds and also on potatoes and onion sets.

Please place orders through the Secreatry (Margaret) before December 16th 2012.

Committee Minutes 6/11/2012

Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night was a success, all went off well and safely.

The Committee agreed that safety would be improved by better outside lighting around the Amenities Building. Simple Spotlights should suffice.

All monies collected were handed by the Chair to Mick Carcione to defray the costs of providing burgers etc. The Treasurer has been asked to ensure that there had been a sufficient amount to cover Mick’s costs. The Society wishes to thank Mick and Caroline , Gill and Sue, Barry and Rob  and all others who helped with the night.


AGM Report

Copies of the minutes of the AGM (together with a copy of the accounts) have been placed in the Brew Room.



 It was agreed to take no further action on the Co-operative (other than joining Co-operatives UK) until either the January Committee meeting or the receipt of a response from the Council to our proposals for self-management, whichever is the earlier. The Council has promised at least an interim response by the end of November 2012.

In January we shall commence setting up Bank Accounts and Member and Share Registers.

We should hold an open meeting of the co-operative in January / February.


Big-Dig Prestwich

The Society / Co-operative is a member of Feeding Manchester / FoodLink Manchester. As part of Feeding Manchester #10 – Gill and Margaret have been asked to present a session at the next meeting in Prestwich on November 10th.



Alan Brown of the Bolton gathering of Organic Growers has asked to speak to the Society about an initiative called Food4Bolton – he will be at a meeting in the Brew Room on Novmeber 25th at 1.00 p.m



David will check when Maher’s need the supplies order for the shop. If it can wait until after 8th January it will be drawn up at the next Committee meeting, if not we will simply repeat this year’s order. Arrangements for re-opening the shop in 2013 will be agreed at the 8th January meeting.  



The Society has now rejoined the NSALG. Paperwork should be received by early December

In the meantime the Society remains a member of theAGC and is insured through their brokers until 31st December 2012.

The Society has received a quotation for 2013 insurance from the NSALG’s appointed brokers.. This quotation is acceptable. The Treasurer will re-insure the Society with those insurers from Janaury 1st 2013.



The Society will purchase a strimmer / brushcutter in the Spring. Any other equipment owned by the Society will be professionally serviced for the 2013 season. All equipment etc. has been removed from the Amenities Building.


Site Maintenance

Alan Crook (Bolton MBC Allotments Officer) has visited the site and it is hoped that the following work can be arranged:-


1.       A field drain cut across between plots 1 and 2 to prevent the flooding of plots 2 and 3 in future years. The outlet for this drain needs to be ascertained.

2.       As part of the above the path between plots 1 and 2 will be re-aligned and relaid.

3.       Excavation of the communal compost bin area to determine and remedy the water collecting under the bins and flowing out onto the road.

4.       A survey by the Tree Section of trees etc. shading plots 1-4, with a view to cutting out dead growth and ‘crowning some of the larger trees.


Other work identified includes the prevention of the flooding of the brew room. Independent advice suggests that we need a cut across the front of the brew room, stone filled and draining out onto the roadway, and thence down into the drain system on the D-shaped area. Similarly it would help if the circulation road surface could be scraped and a guttering system installed to take road water down onto the D-shape.


The Committee is aware of the poor condition of the road around the site, particularly the bottom road. The Secretary is trying to find affordable sources of surfacing materials.


The Committee hopes that as part of the negotiations on self-management a budget can be established to cover site maintenance works, if not the Committee will have to prioritise the use of Society / Co-operative funds.


The next meeting (for Committee members only) will take place at the Finishers, at 7.30 p.m. on 8/01/2013. Any members wishing to have matters discussed at that meeting should contact a Committee member.