Wednesday, 18 July 2012



Some of you may know that originally we'd had letters from the Council prohibiting us from holding either the play or our bonfire night party on the site.

Thanks to the intervention of our Ward Councillors Cllrs Swarbrick and Radlett, (Cllr Hayes was on holiday but he's since sent a message of support) who contacted the Director of Environmental Services with great force and speed, these decisions have now been reversed, and the Play is going ahead on October 13th and the Bonfire Night Party can go ahead on November 3rd.

We've had some clarification from the Allotments / Horticultural Officer about Barbecues - it would appear that you can have an individual barbecue on your own plot (providing this is not during an event when the public have free access to the site). If we want communal barbecues then we have to apply for individual permission to hold each such event.

Cllr Radlett is trying to get similar clarification about fires on plots. He has pointed out to the Council that our tenancy agreements require us to 'burn or remove from the site' all waste. he's also pointed out that both we and Rawlyn Rd. have problems with Japanese Knotweed and that by law any such material MUST be burnt on site, it is illegal to transport it. We await the Council's response with interest.


Work on the Wishing Well and on the Wizard of Oz tableau is moving at pace - just a bit of work on the cowardly lion now

Here are some pictures

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

EGM July 8th 2012

At the EGM held on Sunday July 8th 2012, the meeting by a clear majority on a show of hands decided that:

Motion One:

The Self-Management Steering Group should work with the Co-operative Enterprise Hub to re-format the existing Harpers Lane Allotments Society (an unincorporated association) into an Industrial and Provident Society (IPS) - a co-operative

Motion Two:

The Self-Management Steering Group should press on with negotiations with Bolton MBC with a view to defining the terms of a suitable agreement for the devolution of the management of the site to the above co-operative.

Given successful negotiations the Steering Group will bring forward a set of proposals to the membership at a specially convened EGM for approval, before any agreement with the Council is ratified or signed.