Monday, 28 May 2012


It has been suggested that members would like an interim account of how subscriptions are being spent. A full breakdown of income and expenditure will be made available once the annual accounts have been completed (July) and audited, and will be formally presented to the AGM (Sept).

In this financial year (July 2011-June 2012):

SUBSCRIPTIONS COLLECTED                                                                        £ 402.00


Annual Fee to Allotments and Gardens Council (UK)                      £   65.00

Annual Site Insurance                                                                            £   58.30

Hire of 1 8-tonne Skip                                                                            £ 150.00

TOTAL to date (with 6 months of the subscription year to run)   £ 288.30

There is also ongoing expenditure on electricity (about £4.00 per month), site administration etc., which is charged against the subscriptions.

It should be noted that the financial year (1st July to 30th June) is not the same as the subscription year (January 1st to December 31st). It might be worth considering at this year’s AGM whether to alter the financial year to coincide with the subscription year.

The major item  (not included in the above list) is expenditure on minor site maintenance works which is currently being funded from a mixture of the reserves and monies raised on Open Days. The need to secure funding for this work is one reason we are seeking a new agreement with the Council.

Sunday, 27 May 2012




Sunday July 8th 2.00 p.m.

At the request of the Devolved Management Steering Group, there will be an EGM on the 8th July 2012 at 2.00 p.m. at the Amenities Hut.

There are two motions for discussion:                                            

Discussions with the Council about Self-management (Devolved management) of the site by the Society, have been on-going for nearly two years now. An action plan (covering the period April 2012 to October 2015) was submitted by the Society (at the Council’s request) at the end of January. There has been no response to that action plan. Some services formerly provided by the Council (e.g. provision of skips, management of the waiting list, minor site maintenance works) are already being carried out (and paid for) by the Society (i.e. from members’ funds).

1.     Does the Membership wish the Steering Group to continue its negotiations with the Council with a view to clarifying the Society’s future role and gaining proper funding for it?

2.     Does the membership support the Steering Group’s suggestion that the Society (currently an unincorporated association) becomes a legally constituted Industrial and Provident Society (a co-operative)?

It is expected that advisors from the Co-operative Enterprise Hub will attend the meeting to explain the benefits, costs and implications of such a move.

Friday, 11 May 2012


Introduction to Permaculture
Saturday May 12th - from 10am to 4pm in Bolton
Rod Everett lives at Backsbottom Farm on the North Edge of the Forest of Bowland and has been teaching and practicing Permaculture in UK and Europe for over 25 years.
· During the day we will look at how the permaculture ethics and principles can help us live more sustainably within the limits of the earth's resources.
· We will have fun designing and complete a Practical design project. ( Possibly make a Hugel bed and plant it with polyveg.
This is a FREE event but booking essential as places are limited.
Please contact 01204 691323 and leave a message with your name and contact number.
Please bring your own packed lunch. Hot drinks will be provided throughout the day.