Tuesday, 23 November 2010


The following e-mail was received from Sarah Schofield on 22/11/2010 in response to the Secretary's letter of 4/11/2010


Mon, 22 November, 2010 13:07:59
FW: Harpers Lane Allotment Society
"Schofield, Sarah (Directorate)" Add to Contacts
"Russell, Malcolm"

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Dear Margaret

Thank you for your letter dated 4th November 2010. Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in responding.
As discussed today on the telephone we are making some progress towards self management of allotments in that we have had the first Policy Development Group meeting with Councillors who have agreed to explore this further. No decisions have been taken regarding self management and Councillors would want to be certain that all the correct processes were in place before devolving the management of allotments to groups.

I note your wishes for the Allotment and Gardens Council (UK) to be included in the consultation on self management and the ideas you have for your site to operate. Malcolm Russell will ensure that any invitations to consultation meetings are extended to yourself. I expect that these would begin to take place around December 2010/January 2011.

Kind Regards

Sarah Schofield
Assistant Director Neighbourhood Services

Environmental Services Department
Bolton Council

We will keep members informed as to future developments

The next COMMITTEE MEETING will be on Tuesday December 7th at 7.30 p.m. in the Finishers.

The next SELF-MANAGEMENT GROUP MEETING will be in January (date to be announced)

Margaret Jackson